精華區beta ck54th122 關於我們 聯絡資訊
average 6 years typically $1700 / month cost a prof. 50k / year Highly interesting in researching/teaching Knowing *WHY* you need a Ph.D., e.g. working for a while. 3. App. process (i)GPA Top Univ. low GPA ~ Unknown Univ. GPA 4 RELEVENT Extra/Advanced course on the same/interesting topics (ii)GRE Basic requirement but largely ignored in top-schools Mainly meaningful for non-native speakers Subject scores for unknown Univ. under (iii) Personal statement Actually, research statement. p1. general area , interest, why p2.p3. research topics:what you have done, what you found. p4. Why PhD. p5. Why CMU? or this school Never restate GPA or already exist informations such as awards, or childhood and before, which is irrelevent to research but grading. (iv)Previous research experience Not really for a paper/journal, of course it would be better. Emphasize research experience Need to be evaluate: put in you personel web site: (pdf) Accessible for the committee (v)Recommendation priority: prof., research scientist, lecturer, system scientist, employer, postdoc. Ask guilding grad.'s prof. to write and grad. co-write No GPA-like, performance on course recommendations Highly research relevent(attitude), not course hard-working Own-initiative, strong research potential, independent, self-motivated Ask who seen your research, prof. or employer 3 for grad. 4 for fellowship. Who know me well, give an oral presentation to him, writeups for my researches. (找時間約李泰成 給一個presentation和附上我的資料 加上自己的初稿叫他寫) Ask for a letter: SOP,summary of research (coworkers), relevent course taken list, extra materials(awards and honors) On the packet: MY recent PHOTO Directions(recommedation deadline, address, seal and sign....) Confirm informations(check to my email) Ask for a strong letter, ASK ASK ASK rather than a weak one. it would be ok if he says no.(at least, he tells you.) Check school got it. Thank the recommender (vi)Awards May including tutoring or TA (highly correlated between teacher/researcher) 5. Choosing right Ph.D. program(that's the problem when you get it)