精華區beta dog 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 pet 看板] 作者: pokababy (Poka) 看板: pet 標題: [心得] ARL義工日誌: 小狗愛咬東西怎麼辦? 時間: Thu Apr 17 02:28:25 2008 (只有中文的)附圖網誌版:http://blog.pixnet.net/pokababy/post/16644349 這裡的 Animal Rescue League(ARL) 贈閱一份 Scoop 季刊, 2008 Spring 的 'Behavior Bites Q & A' 正好討論到小狗亂咬東西的問題。 作者 Jenice Barnard 是 ARL 的動物行為專家。 以下為英文全文和譯文:(轉載請註明出處) Q: Help! My new puppy is chewing everything! 問: 救命啊! 我剛養的小狗什麼都咬! A: Teething puppies need to chew. As dogs get a big older, chewing relieves stress. Puppies learn what to chew based on what feels and tastes good and what doesn't. If left unconfined, your puppy may think your home is like a giant, exciting chew toy emporium. 答: 正在長牙齒的幼犬需要咀嚼。隨著狗狗成長,咀嚼有助於釋放壓力。 幼犬根據 摸起來/嚐起來 像不像食物,學習什麼可以咬、什麼不能咬。 如果飼主不設限,在幼犬的眼中,你的家就像一個超大型的 咀嚼/磨牙玩具大賣場。 Keep your puppy confined, in a crate, with baby gates or in a 'chew proof' room when you cannot supervise him. (Remember, he can't tell the difference between rawhide and your new Italian leather shoes.) Be sure to provide plenty of appropriate chew toys with different textures. 當飼主無法就近看管幼犬,請把牠限制在圍欄裡 或 只有耐咬物品的房間。 (請牢記: 小狗無法分辨牛皮骨和妳的嶄新義大利進口皮鞋有什麼不同)。 確保你提供大量不同材質的磨牙玩具。 Keep your chew toys in a doggie toy box and alternate toys every few weeks; this helps keep "old" toys new and exciting. Limit using rawhide if you find that it gives your dog loose stools. 把這些磨牙玩具放在狗狗專用的玩具箱,並且每隔數週輪替; 如此一來,舊玩具又像有趣的新玩具了! (譯註:狗很健忘) 萬一你發現牛皮骨害狗狗拉肚子,那就少用牛皮骨。 When you put puppy in her crate, give her a chew toy, such as a Kong, that is stuffed with a portion of her daily dog food. If you soak dry dog food in water for about 20 minutes, it becomes soft. You can then stuff the toy. Add a smear of peanut butter, a couple of tiny pieces of liver treats, jerky etc. for added surprise. 當你把小狗放在圍欄裡的時候,給牠一個'Kong'這類的磨牙玩具; http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2750604 Kong可以填塞乾狗糧(泡水20分鐘會變軟),也可以另外塗抹少許花生醬、 添加小片雞肝零嘴或肉條,以製造意外驚喜 :P Lastly, freeze your Kong so that it takes longer to get the goodies out. The coldness also relieves the pain associated with teething. 最後,把 Kong 送冰箱冷藏;冰過的 Kong 除了讓小狗得多花點時間取出食物, 也可以緩和長牙期間的痛楚。 ==================================================================== Chew Toy Tips (選擇磨牙玩具的訣竅) Don't use old shoes, etc. Dogs can't distinguish between old crummy sneakers and new ones. 不要用舊鞋子。狗狗無法分辨破舊的鞋子和新鞋子差別在哪。 Before you leave your dog unsupervised with squeaky toys, make sure he can't chew them up and swallow the squeaker. 將小狗和會吱吱叫的發聲玩具放在圍欄,離開之前先確認小狗不會吞食玩具。 If your dog tolerates them, you can use vegetables (like carrots) as a chew treat. 如果狗狗可以接受蔬菜,你可以用紅蘿蔔之類的蔬菜充當磨牙棒。 Praise puppy when she chews on appropriate things. If you walk to find your remote control chewed up with puppy sitting nearby, resist the urge to punish, puppy is not likely to make the connection between your anger and the chewing unless you catch her in the act. 當小狗咬對該咬的東西,記得大聲讚美。 如果你發現遙控器被就在不遠處的幼犬拿來磨牙...,請忍住懲罰狗狗的衝動; 除非你逮到現行犯,否則小狗不知道你的怒氣來自於牠無心的'咀嚼遙控器'事件。 Confine puppy when you can't watch him! 無法在場看管幼犬時,務必限制牠的活動範圍! -- 有問題的請 email 給作者: [email protected] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: