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※ [本文轉錄自 StarCraft 看板 #1EW7CDXe ] 作者: SEILAN (潘帕斯的天使) 看板: StarCraft 標題: [新聞] NASL Who Is Softball? 時間: Mon Sep 26 20:41:46 2011 http://www.nasl.tv/News/Article/20110924who-is-softball Who is Softball by Sean Mullen By now many Starcraft fans should be aware that Starcraft never sleeps. Whether it is a player/team streaming (Destiny, TLO, Team Slayers), an awesome tournament gaming (GSL, MLG, NASL, TLS, Dreamhack, Starcraft Invitational) or community member/s sharing (State of the Game, Inside the Game, Day 9 Daily) there is always Starcraft to be watched. There is so much good Starcraft entertainment running 24/7 that it is almost impossible to be completely in the loop and aware of every tournament, every rising player and every juicy bit of Idra drama. So as embarrassed as I was to see a couple unfamiliar names on the NASL Season 2 roster, I reminded myself that only a lucky few can completely be absorbed in every facet of Starcraft 2. Besides, I thought I’d turn it into a good thing and shine the spotlight on one of our ‘lesser known’ players, who is anything but less of a professional and is more than worthy and ready to compete against the top tier pros in the second season of the North American Star League! In Taiwan there is a strong team, Tt Apollos, which placed silver in the 2011 7-Eleven Taiwan eSport League, and on that team is a strong player named Zhan Zhenyu, who many of you now know as Softball. Tt Softball has not participated in enough international tournaments, a few of you hardcore nerds will remember him as a confident player participating in 2010 Blizzcon Invitational tournament where he went head to head with Huk, but here he is in NASL Season 2 ready to make a strong name for himself among the international Starcraft 2 scene. In Week 1 Softball was challenged when he was matched up against EG Idra, one of the strongest players in Division 3. Despite taking a loss I’d like to think Softball is just warming up and getting a feel for the foreigner’s style of play, he may also be adjusting to the lag and time. Of course EG Idra is a strong player who recently has been rebuilding his name, training hard in the EG house and is out for blood. The games were neither boring nor completely one-sided and Softball didn’t make any blunders or big mistakes. In fact his play and builds were well timed, precise and confidently calculated, Idra just had better engagements and kept Softball on the defensive, preventing him from being comfortable and aggressive. Many foreign/interntional fans know Sen, I’d like to think he put Taiwan on the map for Starcraft 2, and in turn I’d love to see Softball back Taiwan and show the international scene that the Taiwanese Starcraft pros aren’t to be taken lightly! In week 2 Socke will be in the ring head to head with Softball, it is a good chance for Softball to take a victory and start making his climb up the ranks of Division 3. Of course Socke is not going to be an easy opponent, but the challenge and opportunity will make for impressive games. For more information on Softball just keep watching the NASL! His Division plays on Friday and is composed of many great players: Jinro, Kiwikaki, Sjow, Idra, Morrow, and Hwangsin 以下是下在下不才的翻譯 有些地方翻的不是很懂很通順 斟酌了很久 還希望有高手可以指導 好久沒念英文了 <(_ _)> 誰是軟球? 到現在為止,許多星海迷們應該都注意到了星海爭霸是個不夜城.無論是選手/隊伍的頻道實 況(Destiny, TLO, Team Slayers)精彩的聯賽(GSL, MLG, NASL, TLS, Dreamhack, Starcraft Invitational)或是區域成員間的分享(State of the Game, Inside the Game, Day 9 Daily)總是有星海爭霸的比賽可以收看.這裡有如此多優質的星海娛樂24小時/每周 七天不停的在進行著,想要能完全瀏覽並且關注每個聯賽、每個崛起的選手和每場生動有趣 的Idra小劇場是幾乎不可能的. 所以當我看見了一個不熟悉的名子出現在NASL第二季的名單上而感到羞愧的同時,我提醒自 己,只有少數的幸運兒可以完全吸收星海二的每一面.此外,我想我能夠把它變成一件好事, 把聚光燈打在一個我們平常"鮮為人知"的選手上,那些絕不遜於職業選手,而且夠格並正準 備要與NASL第二季頂尖的職業選手競爭對抗! 在台灣有一支強勁的隊伍-Tt 太陽神,它獲得了2011 7-Eleven 盃職業電競聯賽的亞軍,而 隊伍中有一名實力堅強的選手名為詹鎮宇,就是大家知道的軟球Softball.軟球並未參加很 多的國際賽事,一些死忠觀眾會想起他帶著自信參加了2010的暴雪嘉年華邀請賽,在那他與 Huk交手,而在這兒,他正準備在NASL 第二季建立他在國際星海場上的威名. 在第一周的比賽,軟球在面對第三小組中最強選手之一的EG Idra時面臨了挑戰.儘管最後敗 北了,但我認為軟球只是在熱身並且適應外國選手的比賽風格,他可能也在調整適應比賽的 lag和時間.當然,Idra是個很強的選手,他在近期內重振了自己的名聲,在EG訓練基地裡練的 很勤並改掉了太過衝動的毛病.這場比賽並不枯燥也不是一面倒,而且軟球並沒有犯任何大 錯.事實上他的操作和營運都很到位,精密準確和自信的計算著,Idra只是有著更好的專注力 讓軟球處於守勢,不讓他過太爽和阻止他侵略進攻. 許多外國/國際的粉絲們知道Sen,我認為他把台灣推上了星海2的舞台,接下來我樂見軟球回 到台灣並向國際場上展現不能小看台灣的星海職業選手.在第二周與Socke交手的比賽,對軟 球而言是個取勝的好機會,然後攀升他在第三小組的排名.當然Socke不會是一個輕鬆的對手, 但這是一個挑戰和機會,能夠構成一個令人印象深刻的比賽.想知道更多軟球的資訊請持續 收看NASL!他小組出賽日為星期五(台灣時間星期六早上九點),而且他的小組中有許多優秀 的選手: Jinro, Kiwikaki, Sjow, Idra, Morrow, 和Hwangsin. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Mikli:這組都挺硬的 09/26 20:45
pttdolby:放大招贏一場 就有人認識了~ 09/26 20:48
YHank:這陣子看下來,台灣除了Sen,還是沒有人可以宰制Tesl.... 09/26 20:48
YHank:也就是即使聯盟頂尖選手(當然除了Sen),要跟國際一流強者 09/26 20:49
YHank:(非韓)來比還是會有一段距離...更不用說gsl了... 09/26 20:49
YHank:tesl是有進步,不過全世界也都在進步,希望tesl和tesl的頂尖 09/26 20:50
YHank:選手能夠衝得比別人快 09/26 20:50
bugmens:為什麼會有專文介紹SoftBall 09/26 20:58
pttdolby:因為軟球沒打過啥國際大賽 有些人就會有疑問阿..星度不夠 09/26 21:00
jackalt0:軟球加油啊!!! 希望能夠一戰成名! 09/26 21:03
okcall:師哥都說了 TESL頂尖大概就是常見的非韓選手等級 09/26 21:05
linceass:可惜目前賽程看來人球還沒打出他的亮點 09/26 21:05
okcall:而sen則是介於世界於非韓與韓職之間 09/26 21:05
hydra6716:TeSL頂尖有常見的非韓等級嗎... 09/26 21:05
hydra6716:雷神 nani這幾個我怎麼看都比TeSL強上一大截 09/26 21:06
okcall:師哥說的... 09/26 21:06
DINO7755:帥哥在給信心巴 09/26 21:07
okcall:雷神可以跟DRG打滿BO5 這明顯超越非韓等級了 09/26 21:08
YHank:那"常見"的標準是啥...=..= 09/26 21:09
YHank:師哥對於自家tesl選手是很客氣也很保護的... 09/26 21:09
jayin07:鬼手輝都說了,Tesl頂尖大概就是半年前GSL S等級 09/26 21:10
YHank:基本上跟他同組的我覺得還蠻符合"常見"又沒像雷神王那麼猛的 09/26 21:10
shoe:iNcontroL也是很常見啊 09/26 21:10
hydra6716:那句話我也覺得很客套了XDD 09/26 21:10
YHank:就看看軟球屆時整輪打完能發揮到什麼程度囉 09/26 21:10
jayin07:incontrol.... 09/26 21:11
Mikli:DRG輸那兩場真的有點莫名其妙,大概是不熟悉雷神的打法,DRG 09/26 21:11
YHank: 我是來打醬油的 09/26 21:11
a524528:雷神王是頂尖不是常見八 09/26 21:11
ohyayaagge:師哥說TESL頂尖 頂尖不就是說SEN嗎? 這樣的話沒錯啊 09/26 21:11
okcall:incontrol..XD 09/26 21:11
Mikli:其實可以更偷的,因雷神根本不進攻也不騷擾的,只會排一字長 09/26 21:11
jayin07:雷神王可是被MC欽點的呢~ 09/26 21:11
Mikli:蛇陣散兵慢慢推,根本可以偷得大方一點。 09/26 21:12
Mikli:可惜MC現在... 09/26 21:12
okcall:雷神王打法真的很妙 兵全都散開不給你一次包光的機會 09/26 21:12
jayin07:我是覺得雷神王很穩 09/26 21:12
okcall:然後散阿散的 兵就到你家門口了.... 09/26 21:12
YHank:MC打再好,遇T也得倒 09/26 21:12
jayin07:但是講難聽一點就是他打得很難看 09/26 21:12
kevinmark:Sen到底是來提升TESL 還是來毀滅TESL,相信還要多觀察 09/26 21:13
Mikli:他那種推法其實還適合中低階T參考的 真的是完剋毒爆感染 XD 09/26 21:13
Mikli:真的很難看,或許打打非韓的Z還可以,但打韓職Z,操作跟機動 09/26 21:13
jayin07:如果Idra還是繼續玩T的話,他大概也是像雷神王這樣 09/26 21:13
Mikli:就會讓雷神王招架不來了。 09/26 21:13
a654:雷神王的打法,遇到現在低階"不注重手速的T" 大約要4~5分鐘才 09/26 21:14
okcall:DRG的飛膛看起來到處都賺一點兵 可是還是阻止不了推進 09/26 21:14
a654:推到家門口吧XD 09/26 21:14
DINO7755:DRG輸1場船廠爛圖 另一廠戰術剋阿 09/26 21:14
Mikli:上個patch四張新的11圖,三張坑Z! 09/26 21:16
jayin07:不過製圖的方向倒是好的....地圖越做越大 09/26 21:18
jayin07:前幾個禮拜打一打發現天梯圖只剩張1v1,不過我還是ban那張 09/26 21:18
a81359:我覺得大概跟catz HasHe incontrol這些差不多 09/26 21:27
horry429:目前看起來歐美業餘高手~職業中後差不多吧 不LAG不知道 09/26 21:33
DINO7755:不LAG應該就跟Idra一樣 09/26 21:34
Blitzcrank:軟球之前不是輸給一個神族...那場主播說他用beta戰術.. 09/26 21:35
winsonpz:都是延遲lag害的~沒lag 都可以打爆nestea 何況是小爪爪 09/26 21:36
horry429:sobad說得比較客氣啦 真的去打MLG應該還是會被歐美虐XD 09/26 21:36
acont:其實我有在想那場軟球對shoke那場,有沒有可能因為網路的一 09/26 21:42
acont:些延宕情形,所以不想打到大後期。 09/26 21:43
DINO7755:對阿 要是打大後期Scoke早就被虐翻了 09/26 21:45
ecstas:to see Softball back Taiwan 是期盼看到軟球將來持續有好 09/26 21:46
ecstas:表現 支持台灣在國際上發光 09/26 21:46
ousapas:半年前的Code S 09/26 21:52
hydra6716:真的沒有半年前的code S 不要想了 09/26 21:53
Dinosaur1005:超推帥哥軟球 加油!!! 09/26 21:58
DINO7755:希望早日追上半年前的Code S 09/26 22:00
horry429:oGsTheWind也是半年前Code S呦 ^_^ 09/26 22:00
lukenming:師哥說的並沒有錯 而雷神 nani 並不是非韓等級 09/26 22:02
DINO7755:我只承認HUK不是非韓等級 09/26 22:08
hydra6716:現階段我也只認為Huk不是非韓程度 nani跟雷神都要實績 09/26 22:09
pttdolby:雷神最後回去比之前打太好了 例如最近的Dreamhack這站~ 09/26 22:12
pttdolby:雷神王差點把DRG幹掉 別把記憶停在兩個月之前.. 09/26 22:15
hydra6716:白大媽也曾經差點把MC幹掉。實績就是一切 09/26 22:19
hydra6716:Dimaga也幹死過nestea,所以呢? 09/26 22:20
Arnol:給我打一千一萬場我搞不好也可以幹死雀茶一次 09/26 22:29
yogoyogo2006:打到雀茶睡著就贏了 09/26 22:32
Jay1:白大媽幹死過MC阿.....哪是差點........ 09/26 22:43
vermilionred:覺得THORZAIN在修練過觀念更新不少 09/26 22:48
Raynor:半年前的code S 不少都在網咖裡了.... 09/26 22:59
rogger:hydra說的是那次bo5最後一場被mc放2bg狂戰rush mc贏的吧 09/26 22:59
chink5566:千萬不要這麼做 上次有人取消鬼子放核彈 結果就09/25 22:33
DINO7755: 就...09/25 22:33
painkiller:少一顆核彈09/25 22:34
chink5566:就少了一顆核彈 100礦100瓦 60秒09/25 22:34
chink5566: 很不方便09/25 22:35
pLemonq:吹風機梗.... XD #1EVpQ66X by StarCraft星海版 09/25 22:37 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: