精華區beta gay 關於我們 聯絡資訊
            (畫面有點Lag,但聲音不會。)       (中央社記者顏伶如舊金山22日專電)僅節錄相關段落       資深影星西恩潘今晚以「自由大道」拿下第二座奧斯卡影帝,      他在領獎時為同性戀平等權益大聲疾呼,希望那些投票反對同性      戀婚姻的選民「好好反省」。       角逐今年第81屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳男主角包括:「自由大道」      西恩潘、「力挽狂瀾」米基洛克、「班傑明的奇幻旅程」布萊德      彼特、「請問總統先生」法蘭克蘭傑拉、「幸福來訪時」李察傑      金斯,擁有奧斯卡影帝頭銜的西恩潘今晚順利勝出。       年輕時期曾有好萊塢「壞男孩」封號的西恩潘,今晚上台領獎      時首先自嘲說,對於這個結果感到意外,因為他深深知道「要讓      大家願意肯定我,確實頗為困難。」       他也說,希望投票反對同性戀婚姻的選民要「好好反省」,這      些選民也應當感到慚愧,同性戀者應該像其他人一樣享有平等權      利才對。       原文:       I think it is a good time for those who voted for the       ban against gay marriage to sit and reflect and anticipate       their great shame and the shame in their grandchildren's eyes if they continue that way of support ! We've got to have equal rights for everyone.       對於得獎呼聲呈現也非常高的另一位入圍者米基洛克,西恩潘      也肯定說:「米基是我的兄弟。」       自從今年金球獎劇情類最佳男主角由「力挽狂瀾」的米基洛克      勝出之後,從影生涯現實境遇彷彿電影劇情般曲折的他,支持度      突然一路追趕西恩潘,讓今年的奧斯卡影帝獎項形成兩強較勁的      局面。       48歲的西恩潘是所有入圍者當中奧斯卡資歷最豐富的,曾以      1996年「越過死亡線」、2000年「甜蜜與卑微」及2002年「他不      笨,他是我爸爸」連續問鼎奧斯卡最佳男主角都未得獎,終於以      「神秘河流」在2004年獲得奧斯卡影帝。       在「自由大道」片中,西恩潘飾演美國政壇首位公開自己同性      戀身份,並在選舉中順利勝選展開從政生涯的政治人物米爾克。      米爾克1977年贏得選舉,1978年便遇刺身亡,以米爾克生平拍成      的「米爾克時代(The Times Of Harvey Milk)」曾於1984年獲      奧斯卡最佳紀錄片。       平常對國際政治、爭取同性戀權益都積極參與的西恩潘,影帝      級的演技表現果然讓他成為美國演員公會獎最佳男主角得主,同      時也拿下影評人大獎、紐約影評人協會獎、洛杉磯影評人協會獎      等最佳男主角,今晚果然拿下第二座奧斯卡影帝。 --   竟然沒看到直播...囧a --
ArmyofMe:推西恩潘。好萊塢中少數有想法又身體力行的演員。 02/23 14:40
lavieboheme:"自由大道"編劇也是公開同志 得獎致詞也很感人 02/23 16:10
lavieboheme:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LC_9CIh3u-w 02/23 16:11
    編劇的致詞全文:     "Oh my God. This was, um, this was not an easy film to make.      First off, I have to thank Cleve Jones and Anne Kronenberg      and all the real-life people who shared their stories with      me. And, um, Gus Van Sant, Sean Penn, Emile Hirsch, Josh      Brolin, James Franco and our entire cast, my producers Dan      Jinks and Bruce Cohen, everyone at Groundswell and Focus      for taking on the challenge of telling this life-saving story.     When I was 13 years old, my beautiful mother and my father      moved me from a conservative Mormon home in San Antonio, Texas to California, and I heard the story of Harvey Milk. And it gave me hope. It gave me the hope to live my life. It gave me the hope one day I could live my life openly as who I am and then maybe even I could even fall in love and one day get married. I wanna thank my mom, who has always loved me for who I am even when there was pressure not to. But most of all, if Harvey had not been taken from us 30 years ago, I think he'd want me to say to all of the gay and lesbian kids out there tonight who have been told that they are less than by their churches, by the government or by their families, that you are beautiful, wonderful creatures of value and that no matter what anyone tells you, God does love you and that very soon, I promise you, you will have equal rights federally, across this great nation of ours. Thank you. Thank you. And thank you, God, for giving us Harvey Milk". ※ 編輯: leego1224 來自: (02/23 16:35)