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轉自wikipedia http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%8B%B1%E5%9C%8B%E7%B4%84%E5%85%8B%E5%A4%A7%E5%A D%B8 英國約克大學 ( The University of York, UK)是位於英格蘭約克市的一所校園大學. 在 大部分的研究中為英國排名前十名的頂尖大學, 在2001年每日電訊報大學排行榜中排名第 二, 其教學品質在官方評鑑中名列第一. 該校同時被星期泰晤士報列為2003年年度大學. 約克大學為英國白玫瑰大學聯盟的成員之一 該校有30個科系, 教授約9,000名學生. 主要校區位在約克市的郊區,緊臨Heslington, 但約克市中心也有幾個歷史性大樓由大學所使用。目前每個入學名額平均有9人申請。 歷史 Heslington Hall約克大學是英國新興玻璃平板大學之一, 1963年成立之初僅招收200名學 生. 當時大學由3座大樓組成, 主要是︰ 英王莊園(King's Manor, 原為托馬斯‧溫特沃 思的住宅,曾為北方委員會總部),以及Heslington Hall(原Thomas Eynns的住宅,北方 委員會秘書和印信保管人)。 一年後,開始拓展Heslington校區,形成今天大學的主要部 分。 [編輯] 學院 約克大學名義上建立於八所學院,提供學生住宿及一些學術單位。不過,該校的學院更像 住宅的大廳一樣, 實際上並不像牛劍傳統一般對學院向心力特別強烈。依設立日期約克大 學現有學院如下︰ Derwent, 取名自約克郡的德溫河 Langwith, 取名自約克當地一座已廢棄名為Langwith的村落 Alcuin, 紀念查理曼大帝宮廷中著名的約克學者Alcuin Vanbrugh, 紀念著名的建築師John Vanbrugh Goodricke, 紀念定居於約克的荷蘭天文學家John Goodricke Wentworth, 是僅有研究生的學院, 取名自英國內戰時期的政治家Thomas Wentworth James, 紀念該大學第一任副校長Lord James of Rusholme Halifax, 2001/2002學年成立的學院, 取名自第一任哈利法克斯伯爵 除了哈利法克斯學院座落在靠近Heslington村的邊緣上外,其他學院都位於主要校區。 Eden's Court住宿區雖隸屬德溫特學院的一部分,但是住宿學生則使用哈利法克斯的設備 。還有幾所校外的宿舍: Holgate's Hall, Catherine House及The Stables算是較為知名 的。 [編輯] 分區 約克大學的校區更普遍地安排成一個個的分區. 除了上述的八個學院構成八個分區外, 其 它分區還有: 生物學區. 中央大會堂(Central Hall)是舉行考試及各類成果展出的會堂 化學區. 資訊科學區. 環境研究區. Fairfax House, 學生宿舍. Heslington Hall. King's Manor, 位於約克市中心區的大學獨立建築, 容納考古系及一部份歷史系. 圖書館區, 由J.B. Morrell, Raymond Burton和Borthwick等圖書館組成. 音樂區. 物理學及電子學區. 心理學區. 體育館區. 大學系所通常被建置在這些區域之一。例如,數學系被設置在Goodricke學院,政治系在 德溫特(Derwent)學院, 以及在阿爾昆(Alquin)學院的經濟學系。不過,像資訊科學系, 生物系和物理系並未隸屬於特別的學院, 而是有他們自己的分區。這些大的系所通常會將 他們的講堂(階梯教室)借給較小的系所使用。 [編輯] 歷史系 歷史系為約克大學的一個主要機構.再研究以及教學上都有極高的評價. 在英國,約克大學 歷史系是極為熱門的一個系所,入學門檻非常高.約克大學歷史系在全國是一個受承認的中 古世紀研究機構,系內的中古世紀研究中心成立於1968年. [1], 並提供所多研究的協助以 及獎學金給予研究生. 本中心畢業的許多傑出系友在世界的許多大學中任職 除了中古世紀研究中心之外,約克大學歷史系並設有以下研究中心 女性學中心[2] 十八世紀研究中心 [3] Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies [4] Not of course forgetting the Borthwick Institute for Archives. [5] The Borthwich is is one of the largest archive respositories outside London. For 50 years it has collected material from around the world, from the 12th century to the present day. Every year thousands of visitors travel to Hesligton campus to use its archived materials. In January 2005 it opened to the public in a new, purpose-built building, situated adjacent to the J.B. Morrell Library on the university's Heslington campus, thanks to a generous grant of £4.4 million from the Heritage Lottery Fund. [編輯] 電腦科學系 約克大學電腦科學系近十年來在全英國各大學電腦科學系的排名一直名列前矛,在Times 2002的全英電腦科學系排名中,更是榮登全英第二名的寶座,擠下一向在此領域表現優越的 英國愛丁堡大學以及牛津大學 目前約有50名左右教授, 400名大學部學生,100名教學式碩士生, 100名左右全職碩博士研 究生 提供的碩士課程包括 資訊技術碩士課程Msc in Information Technology(專供非電腦科學專業背景學生申請) 自然運算碩士課程Msc in Natural Computation 軟體工程碩士課程Msc in Software Engineering 約克大學電腦科學系在研究上的成就也非常卓越, 在英國研究評估報告上,榮獲5*的研究 評等,目前共有九個不同領域的研究團隊 人工智慧研究團隊[6] (Artificial Intelligence Group) 人機介面研究團隊[7] (Human-Computer Interaction Group) 高階電腦架構研究團隊[8] (Advanced Computer Architectures Group) 電腦視覺以及樣式辨認研究團隊[9] (Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Group) 高整合系統工程研究團隊[10] (High Integrity and Systems Engineering Group) 管理以及資訊系統研究團隊[11] (Management and Information Systems Group) 程式語言以及系統研究團隊[12] (Programming Languages and Systems Group) 即時系統研究團隊[13] (Real-time Systems Group) 非標準運算研究團隊[14] (Non-Standard Computation Group) 網路連結: 英國約克大學電腦科學系 http://www.cs.york.ac.uk [編輯] 其它學系 約克大學音樂系有英國最早建立的電子音樂工作室之一。它也是第一個在大學課程教授人 種音樂學的學系,擁有自己的木琴樂團。 社會學系的教職員則積極從事各式的專題,包括會話分析和社會學理論。該學系目前有一 個重要的科技研究組位於溫特沃思學院(Wentworth College)內。 赫爾-約克醫學院成立於2003年,現由Heslington校區和赫爾大學共有。 [編輯] Heslington校區 Central HallIn 1964, work began on the campus facilities in the grounds of Heslington Hall. The marshy land was drained, forming the narrow, winding lake which dominates the campus, and extensively landscaped. The original buildings were designed by architect Andrew Derbyshire, and assembled using the CLASP system of prefabricated construction. Scattered around the lake, the buildings are connected by numerous covered walkways and bridges. Most of the university's arts departments inhabit the colleges, while many of the science departments have their own buildings. A major landmark building is Central Hall, a daringly-designed half-octagonal concert hall whose appearance is frequently likened to that of a spaceship. As well as University convocations and examinations, it is used as a venue for theatrical and musical performances, and has played host to 吉米·亨德里克 斯, Soft Machine, 平克·弗洛伊德, and 保羅·麥卡特尼. Performances by big-name acts have been rarer at the university following a 1985 Boomtown Rats concert, during which the cover of the Central Hall orchestra pit was damaged1. A ban on pop performances in Central Hall was imposed by the University, although it has occasionally been waived, and Central Hall is still sometimes used for classical concerts. Concerts are also held in the music department's Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall and in some of the colleges. At the time of its construction, the campus lake is rumoured to have been the largest plastic-lined lake in Europe. It has attracted a large population of wild and feral waterfowl, including greylag, Canada, barnacle and snow geese, along with large numbers of ducks and a growing population of black swans. [編輯] 學生活動 The university has an unusually high number of active student societies. University Radio York, the student radio station, is the oldest independent radio station in the United Kingdom. There also exists student television station YSTV, England's first student TV station and one-time holder of the world record for longest continuous television broadcast under a single director. For a full list of the student societies, see List of student societies at the University of York Every summer term the students take part in the Roses Tournament, a sports competition against Lancaster University. The venue of the event alternates each year between York and Lancaster. In Spring 2005, a similar White Rose Varsity Tournament was held, between University of York and York St John College. The student government organisation on campus is called YUSU, the membership of which currently corresponds to the entire student population. Posts in YUSU are elected by the students yearly. Like many student unions, it is often critised by students for being inward looking, and not representative of the student body as a whole. Low turnout at YUSU elections, and poor turnout at UGMs (Union General Meetings) are evidence of this. YUSU also caused controversy in 2005 by imposing a new 'media charter' on the campus press. This imposed limits and controls on what the two student newspapers could publish, and ensured every written article had to be submitted to YUSU to be vetted before publication. This led to allegations of press censorship imposed by the current YUSU President, James Alexander. The common room committees and societies are considered integral parts of YUSU and draw the larger part of their funds from it. As well as URY and YSTV, other media organisations include newspapers Vision and nouse and the Cinematography Society. [編輯] 未來發展 未來十年,約克大學計畫增加大約5,000名學生,並且增加許多新科系,包括法律, 藥學 , 牙醫,以及戲劇影視研究。這些計畫都以全國大學數量擴增的估算和重新訂定大學資產 指標為基礎。就該校大部分歷史而言,它的主要強項被認為是在科技類系所 - 物理學系 ,資訊科學系和電子系 - 以及傳統文科系所 - 歷史系和英語系。但在癌症領域研究的成 功, 導致生化科學系所重組,保健學系的設置,護理和助產課程的設立, 和赫爾-約克醫 學院(Hull-York Medical School, 或者HYMS)的誕生。 進入醫學和保健訓練領域, 已經 導致約克大學發展優先權的變化。 在藝術方面,約克大學正好建立在其培養各綜合學科間的名聲。中世紀研究中心已被認定 居於執牛耳的地位,歷史, 藝術史, 考古學, 文學研究, 建築研究及戲劇的結合,使得對 歷史事件和文化有更全面的觀點。其成功模式被複製到十八世紀研究中心的設立。隨後也 將於2007年成立文藝復興及近代史研究中心沿用, 該中心預計在2008年招收它的第一名研 究生。同時,英文及英國文學系預計將更多的重點放在創作及演出, 以擴大其文學上的研 究。 For a number of years, the University's expansion plans have been limited by planning restrictions on the Heslington campus. Since the campus lies within the York green belt, planning conditions stipulate that only 20% of the land may be built upon. In the academic year 2003/04, plans were finalised for a second campus, on the other side of Heslington village. Called the Heslington East campus, the proposal is for a new 70 hectare campus designed to mirror the existing main Heslington campus. Situated by the Grimston Bar park and ride carpark, it will involve construction on land currently used for arable farming. The plans involve landscaping the area, with the construction of an artificial lake and the planting of light woodland. Several departments are being considered for new, purpose-built facilities on the campus, including Computer Science and Law. Current University Chancellor Greg Dyke has already made a pledge of funds to subsidise a professorship in the new Theatre, Film and Television department. Heslington East will be connected to the existing campus by a network of pathways and light transport links. Construction is hoped to begin in the 2006/07 academic year, with the first buildings coming into use the following year. However, there is still a lengthy consultation and planning exercise to be undertaken, and designs have yet to be finalised for the site and for the new buildings. [編輯] 知名校友 Haleh Afshar, 教授 Daron Acemoglu, MIT經濟學教授, John Bates Clark Medal得主 Tony Banks, 國會議員 Hugh Bayley, 國會議員 Steve Beresford, 音樂家 Alan Burns, 電腦科學家 Alex Callinicos, 馬克斯主義知識份子 James Callis, 演員 Aníbal Cavaco Silva, 經濟學家, 葡萄牙第十一任總理及第二十一任總統 Jung Chang, 作家及歷史學家 Denise O'Donohue, 電視製作人 Helen Dunmore, 作家 Greg Dyke, 前BBC總監及現任名譽校長 Harry Enfield, 喜劇演員 Ambrose Field, 作曲家 Adam Hart-Davis, 電視製作人 / 節目主持人 Christine Hamilton, 電視名人 Harriet Harman, 國會議員 Peter Hitchens, 報業記者 Oona King, 前國會議員 Mark Laity, BBC新聞播報員及北大西洋公約組織發言人 Peter Lord, 奧斯卡獎提名導演(Aardman Animations) Genista McIntosh, 劇場導演 Dominic Muldowney, 作曲家 Albert Owen, 國會議員 Mark Russell, 廣播節目主持人 Verity Sharp, Radio 3 節目主持人 Tim Smith, Radio 2 節目主持人 Victor Lewis-Smith, 喜劇演員 Ian St. John, 歷史學家 Graham Swift, 作家 Vincenzo Visco, 義大利前財政部長 Trevor Wishart, 作曲家 John Witherow, 新聞編輯(Sunday Times) Tony Worthington, 國會議員 Sir Colville Norbert Young, 貝里斯總督 [編輯] 參見 英國約克大學學生會 英國約克大學台灣同學會