精華區beta guitar 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 NTUCGS 看板] 發信人: [email protected] (阿昌), 看板: NTUCGS 標 題: [轉錄]◇ 吉他大師在這裡 發信站: 陽光沙灘 (Thu Mar 11 21:27:34 1999) 轉信站: Ptt!warp.m6.ntu!sob ※ [本文轉錄自 surging 信箱] 作者: [email protected] 標題: ◇ 吉他大師在這裡 時間: Thu Mar 11 17:41:22 1999 作者: swing (swing) 看板: EGuitar 標題: 吉他大師在這裡 時間: Thu Jun 19 17:25:05 1997 剛剛翻了一下以前的guitar player雜誌 1992的某一期 主題是25個震撼世界的吉他手 是由雜誌的編輯大爺們票選的 分別是 閒閒沒事 就把每位大師的名言報告一下 順便簡單介紹一下 大家可以早晚背誦 可以治病強身 吉他功力一日千里 1.Duane Allman 六十年代被遺忘的大師(過世太早),Layla就是Eric Calpton與他一起完成的 "Develop your talent, man, and leave the world something. recods are really gifts from people. To think that an artist would love you enough to share his music is a beautiful thing." 2.Jeff Back 橫越40年 影響力無人能及 雖然與Eric Calpton同樣背景類似 但是其樂風更廣 橫跨至Jazz "There's nothing worse than a boring sermon that you know already." 3.Adrian Belew 實驗樂的吉他手 "I've alwaya considered myself a colorist. Like a painter, I start with an empty canvas and add and substract until L have something." 4.George Benson 這位大師算是真的把爵士樂流行化的 只是我也懷疑這樣就可以震撼世界嗎? 還是因為他可以邊唱邊solo?? "when you get tired and run out of ideas, you'll find fredshness and comfort in octaves." 5.Julian Bream 古典吉他大師 擺脫賽哥的影子 呈現個人style 6.Lenny Breau Chet Atkins 曾說他是世界上最好的吉他手 "My sound? Like playing piano with the sustain pedal down." 7.Eric Clapton 不用介紹了 "I don't think I'll ever get pass the crossroad; it's always standing in front of me." 8.Ry Cooder 彈奏美國傳統音樂 "I've taken everything that I've heard and changed it in some way. Nothing comes out the same. It's not academic, and it's not a museum." 9.The Edge(本來打錯 忙中有錯) 這不是Eagles啦 這是U2合唱團吉他手 獨特的節奏影響許多吉他手 "I see the guitar as a struggle and fight." 10.Bill Frisell 彈爵士的啦 我還沒仔細聽過 "Anything that shakes you up-that's how you grow." 11.Buddy Guy 彈藍調的 很厲害喔 連Jimi Hendrix都說要模仿他 "If you're not going to give it all you've got, you shouldn't play anymore, because you owe this to the people." 12.Jim Hall 爵士吉他大師 現在好像已經是曾祖父了 他的吉他Case上貼了一句話"Make musical sense" 13.Michael Hedges 木吉他革命者 "I'm a composer who plays guitar, not a guitarist who plays compositions." 14.Jimi Hendrix 大家應該都認識了 "Handel and Bach and Muddy Waters, Flamenco type of thing- if I can get that sound, I'd be happy." 15.Allan Holdsworth 把爵士吉他創新精神發揮到極點 "It seems I learn more each passing year than I did in the previous twenty." 16.Albert Lee 鄉村吉他的代表人物之一 "When thinking of scales and Harmonies, I picture a keyboard rather than a guitar neck." 17.Yngwin Malmsteen "I have this mooto:groove or die." 18.John Mclaughlin 七零年代Fusion吉他手 "Music is the most profound spritual power on earth. It's a sanctuary, a healing force." 19.Jimmy Nolen James Brown 的吉他手 "It's not written out-you just get there and strikes a groove, and most of the time it's a hit." 20.Jimmy Page 齊柏林飛船吉他手 "Building up hrmonies, orchestrating the guitar like an army- that where it's at for me." 21.Vernon Reid Living Color吉他手 "I use blues and rock ideas as a jumping-off point for something elsa." 22.John Scofield 吉他界的free jazz代表人物 "Improvising is using your musical vocabulary to fit the moment and make it work." 23.Sonny Sharrock 也是彈free jazz的 "My view of improvisation is very personal, full of love, anger, truth, lies, and in the end-I hope-sense." 24.Steve Vai "You can take all the theory in the world and make it an effective part of your playing without sounding mechanical." 25.Eddie Van Halen 點弦的發揚者 "The reward is being able to make music and have fun. When we blow people away with new material-man. I get jazzed." 大家可以參考看看 其中有沒有你心目中的偶像?? 因為是1992年版 所以可能有新的吉他手被遺漏 從他們的話中 也許可以看出他的對音樂的態度! 大家也可以思考看看或猜看看 為什麼這些吉他手可以震撼世界? -- ※ Origin: 風之國度 ◆ From: ※ 歡迎來到☆ 風之國度 BBS (music.fhl.net)☆,一個屬於樂手與敬拜者的家! -- /\/\ Origin: // (sob.m7.ntu.edu.tw) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.twbbs.org) ◆ From: IP168.dialup.nt