精華區beta job 關於我們 聯絡資訊
《誰是接班人》影集我看了第一季和第二季,這真的是很精采的職場面試選秀! 每週的專案競賽都有很多PMP專案管理的案例在裡面,但在最後,會回到最基本 的interview,高階主管面試。 那些面試提問,真是犀利阿。 我刻意的把這幾題面試題目抄了下來,這些問題要我用中文回答都很難答,若是 英文面試就更難了...... ‧第一季 You’re pretty familiar with the organization right now. And I like to hear your description of the organization. 你現在對這公司應該已經蠻了解了,我想聽妳形容一下這個公司。 What are your gonna do when you’re managing a construction schedule, and some grizzly, old contractor just says, “Lady, you don’t know what you’re talking about” ? 妳對建築有概念嗎?若要妳管理建築工程進度,妳會怎麼做?某些愛抱怨的老 包商會說「小姐,妳根本不知道妳自己在說些什麼」  (因為川普是做房地產起家的) What are you gonna bring to the table other than your charisma? 除了個人魅力,你還有何過人之處? What’s gonna make me want to say, “Hey, this is the guy I want to work with” ? 有什麼是會讓我想說,這就是我想共事的人? What do you do on day one? 你第一天要做什麼? Nick答:自我介紹,並說明我對這企業的願景。 And you’ll be able to do that on day one, without even knowing the first thing about this entity? 你第一天就有辦法做到?甚至對這企業都還一無所知? Would you have a problem hiring women yourself? 你會介意雇用女生嗎? (問AMY) Do you consider yourself a loyal employee? 你認為自己是個忠心的員工嗎? What do you thing their perception is of why you’re here? 你認為他們為何覺得你夠資格留在這裡? Thank you for your time. 非常感謝你來面談 ‧第二季 You went to under graduate University of Pennsylvania? Now you're in law school? Don’t you want to become a lawyer? 問KEVIN學歷相關的事 You’ve done four or five start-ups in how long a period? So does that mean you have trouble staying with something or? 問KELLY工作經驗,每個工作待多久, JENNIFER tell me the biggest obstacle you’ve had to overcome in your life to get this far? 目前經歷人生最大的難題是什麼? That’s too general give me something specific. 回答得太籠統的時候被要求要更明確一點, Why do you want this job? 你為什麼想要這份工作? Have you ever had any experience in a corporate environment before? 你有在大企業環境下的工作經驗嗎? Right now you’re your own boss right? You won’t be if you work at Trump. Safer job? Why do you say safer? You’re not gonna fire yourself. 在川普企業中你不會是老闆,也不會是個「比較穩定」的工作, 自己當老闆才安穩,絕對不會開除自己。 What would you say are your weaknesses? 你覺得自己的弱點是什麼? Excluding yourself, which one of three remaining candidates would you choose to be the apprentice? 你自己除外,剩下的三名參賽者中你會選擇當接班人? Have you ever let yourself down? 你曾讓自己失望過嗎? As a leader would you rather be feared or liked? 生為領導者的你,寧願大家怕你,還是喜歡你? What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do in your life? 你這輩子做過最困難的是什麼事? How’s that gonna help you with the Trump organization? 在川普企業工作對你有什麼幫助? Have you fired someone? 你開除過別人嗎? Do you thing this is your last stop? 你認為這是你的終點站嗎? Have you ever embellished the truth? 你掩飾過真相嗎? Is that really what you want? 那真的是你想要的嗎? Where would you like to be in ten years? 你希望十年後有什麼成就? Do you know what you want to do? 你知道你想做什麼嗎? http://chuthing.blogspot.com/2008/09/toeic.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: chuthing 來自: (09/22 00:52)
kyavus:推,請借轉 09/22 06:27
kyavus:轉錄至看板 Salary 09/22 06:27
bigbody:直得推薦 我受益良多 09/22 10:04