精華區beta lyrics 關於我們 聯絡資訊
作詞:hyde 作曲:ken 我的荊棘幾乎要滿溢不已 無底洞的遺傳因子 搔弄著那個傷口 在體內接吻吧 Inner-self is calling from the DNA I want to lick you around...seductive welcoming As if sheltered in the bed of the nepenthes As if sheltered in the bed of the nepenthes 腦子裡都是那件事 愛是不能將我綁住的 理性與撒謊就在一線之間 一旦擊碎後 那就走吧 Inner-self is calling from the DNA Pouring my honey to you all night long (Pouring you, honey?) Inner-self is calling from the DNA I want to lick you around...seductive welcoming As if sheltered in the bed of the nepenthes As if sheltered in the bed of the nepenthes As if sheltered in the bed of the nepenthes As if sheltered in the bed of the nepenthes -- 瞳閉じれば廣がってゆく.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: