精華區beta lyrics 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Do you like this anyway? Dice was thrown, now. No one can stop that. Faster and faster. We don't change even if six or one comes out. Furiously and furiously. Tell me the truth, tell me the existing meaning. Call my name, raise a loud voice now. 投擲的骰子 像陀螺般持續旋轉 被耗盡的 全部都 化成灰燼的話 就有最終的歸所 但在那之前...無法成眠 Erase an uncertain element if you feel uneasy. Faster and faster. Time doesn't wait you, Make up your mind by yourself. Furiously and furiously. Tell me the truth, tell me the existing meaning. Call my name, raise a loud voice now. 騙人與被騙 一起前往前所未有的盛宴 投擲的骰子 像陀螺般持續旋轉 賭上的 是自己 是黑是白 要決定還太早 來吧 跳曲華爾滋 Only a fool is pleased with such a thing. Play the fool with me till the end. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: