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※ 引述《BlackM (子璽)》之銘言: : 請教板上大大,聖飢魔II小弟找過歌詞 : 但是找不到一首我很喜歡的:地獄的階梯 : 我用聽的只知道整首都是英文的,希望能有完整的歌詞來求助板上大大 : 感恩 來源 http://blog.pixnet.net/amurochar/post/6821089 地獄への階段(完結編) 作詞/作曲:デーモン小暮 編曲:聖飢魔II 介紹文 http://akaitama.at.webry.info/200702/article_52.html There’s a man who was sure to get All the glitters in the globe And found the Angel’s eyes In the place below the Stairway into Hell He threw himself without hesitation In a shining green emerald Awaiting his arrival, he knew, Must have only been the Stairway into Hell In the mid of Spring it was magically clear, The ever clever explorer imagined so Oh Mysterious lady Standing on the Stairway into Hell She wrapped herself with the glaring veil And bit by bit showed her amorous body And pleasantly seduced him Down through the Stairway into Hell The Lady who we thought was holy, Was instead the sinful Witch, indeed And the EL.DO.RA.DO You’ve always been looking for, actually Was instead the frightful Hell indeed It was a great surprise for the holy orders, “the different worlds” that they always believed coexisted together in the place below the Stairway into Hell We can get all the riches there Everyone called it “Heavenly” The land of gold and brightness is In the place below the Stairway into Hell Hell! Hell! Hell! He spoke of the world that nobody knows, The truth will be altered in his mind He start making another world Then takes the way of the Land Never repeal the words And they deceived men But people swallow all Then, they make up the universal truth Sometimes all of your thoughts are misgiven Wrongs, we thought were right, become justified The Lady who we thought was Holy, Was instead the sinful Witch, indeed And the EL.DO.RA.DO you’ve always been looking for, actually Was instead the frightful Hell! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: itazura4444 來自: (07/03 11:23)