精華區beta lyrics 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《birdane32 (birdane32)》之銘言: : 在電影裡面聽到片尾取的歌 : 似乎是個英國的團體,THE DAMNWELLS : 中文翻起來應該很妙... : 還上網搜尋後找到了他們的MYSPACE : http://www.myspace.com/thedamnwells : 求裡面的GOLDEN DAYS以及I AM A LEAVER歌詞 : 謝謝,歌很好聽跟大家推薦!! The Damnwells - Golden Days On you mark get ready set and run away for good There's a bold and brighter light Where my soul once stood Fall apart confetti come on Cry right on my sleeve I am just a ghost of hearts that break bittersweet Am I in tune Yea can't hear much But the melody coming from you Baby please don't rush Keep the tempo slow and you Let me hear the words you say Let's go and get tangled in chains of golden days Counting down T minus 10 and wait I still believe There's a distance in your eyes Only mine can see Leave the ground behind us I'll be floating round your lips I am just a host of arms holding one full wish Am I in tune Yea can't hear much But the melody coming from you Baby please don't rush Keep the tempo slow and you Let me hear the words you say Let's go and get tangled in chains of golden days Am I in tune Yea can't hear much But the melody coming from you Baby please don't rush Keep the tempo slow and you Let me hear the words you say Let's go and get tangled in chains of golden days Am I in tune Yea can't hear much But the melody coming from you Baby please don't rush Keep the tempo slow and you Let me hear the words you say Let's go and get tangled in chains of golden days -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Damnwells - I Am A Leaver Lock your lips with eastern time, Lead my heart, and leave in mind. See my soul makes it home. I'm high in wretched why. I'm standing here alone. I left you on the street, With a face so long, that it touched your feet. I am a leaver. Is my time wasting well? I am a leaver. How have I landed, since I fell? Roaming streets, I've never found. Singing songs, without a sound. Cannot shake you from the tree, And so you're in the ground, Keep you next to me. You left me in defeat, With a loss so great, that I can't retreat. I am a leaver, Is my time wasting well? I am a leaver, How have I landed, since I fell? *Guitar* Treasures dropped in the sea. Lovers leap, like you and me. I am a sucker and a sin. But baby, I believe in no refugees. I left you on the street, With a face so long, that it touched your feet. I am a leaver. Is my time wasting well? I am a leaver. How have I landed, since I fell? I am a leaver, I am a shaken, battered shell. I am a leaver, I am a liar, can't you tell? Can't you tell? Can't you tell? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
birdane32:挖勒...太酷了..請問是自己聽的嗎? 謝謝您!! 11/19 01:53
WarrickBrown:google來的 (羞) XD 11/19 02:09