精華區beta lyrics 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Sandy's Song ~Dolly Parton~ Sometimes I think of you, and tears fill my eyes To think of the meaning youve given my life Youve touched me in places no one ever reached Youve given me reason and cause to believe You are my rainbow; youve colored my life And you are my sunshine; Im warm in your light You are my fountain that never runs dry Youre my inspiration, my reason to try Ill love you til green grass turns lavender blue And all the stars fall from heaven and vanish like dew Til horses and chariots chase down the wind Thats when Ill leave you, Ill love you til then Ill love you til green grass turns lavender blue And all the stars fall from heaven and vanish like dew Til horses and chariots chase down the wind Thats when Ill leave you, Ill love you til then Ill love you til green grass turns lavender blue And all the stars fall from heaven and vanish like dew Til horses and chariots chase down the wind Thats when Ill leave you, Ill love you til then Thats when Ill leave you, yes Ill leave you then Ill need you til then Ill love you til then... ※ 引述《menghua (棉花)》之銘言: : 我聽到一首相當抒情且好聽的英文歌 : 很想要收錄她的歌詞 : 但我不知道那首歌是誰唱的以及那首歌的歌名 : 所以想要來請教一下厲害的各位是否能幫我解答 : (一首好聽的歌無法知道他完整的歌詞會讓我感到相當難過) : 線索: : 1.是位女性唱的 : 2.我能聽出其中幾句歌詞 : sometime i think of you .....think the meaning you given my life.... : you are my rainbow you color my life...... : 大致上有這些歌詞(...的部份是我不確定的) : 請問是否有人能為小女子解答呢? : 感激不盡!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: