精華區beta lyrics 關於我們 聯絡資訊
I got word today A friend gone done me wrong And that's alright 'Cause bad things don't last long They made me believe Believe they were my friends But I'm not blind Blind to see it end But you know what I'm going to be just fine 'Cause I'm going home tonight I'm gonna be right by your side It's gonna feel so good I'm gonna be right by your side Ask how you're doin' And don't even get a reply I guess they think I'm just another guy Quick to forget About the friends you had But then again I really think you're glad But you know what I'm gonna be just fine 'Cause I'm goin' home tonight I'm gonna be right by your side It's gonna feel so good I'm gonna be right by your side I'm comin' home baby I'm gonna be right by your side I can't wait, I can't wait I'm gonna be right by your side I'm comin' home baby, comin' home I'm gonna be right by your side It's gonna feel so good I'm gonna be right by your side I can't wait baby no I said I'm gonna be right by your side It's gonna feel so goodI'm gonna be right by your side -- 「永遠忠於你自己,持恆以致地去做你所相信的事」 Dj Krush -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: jazzysport 來自: (09/13 17:26)