精華區beta lyrics 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Now she's walking thru the clouds With a circus mind That's running wild Butterflies and zebras And moonbeams and fairytales All she ever thinks about is riding with the wind When I'm sad she comes to me With a thousand smiles She gives to me free It's alright it's alright she says Take anything you want from me Anything Fly little wing... -- 太陽向萬物投下冷冷的光,彷彿是毫不留情的審判。它從我的眼睛進入 我體內,照亮我的內部,使我貧瘠。我敢肯定,不出一刻鐘,我就會達 到自我厭惡的極端。多謝了,我可不想這樣。 我垂著手坐著,或者胡亂畫著,打著哈欠,等待黑夜來臨。等天黑以後 ,我們,物體和我,將走出虛緲。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: IP015.dialup.nt