精華區beta lyrics 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《skyoo (流光砂)》之銘言: : 請問有人有Christopher Cross 的swept away的歌詞嗎? :       是收錄在-藍色點唱機情歌系列重回美麗時光-的,謝謝:) Swept Away Christopher Cross I never had anything happen so fast I took one look and I shattered like glass I guess I let it show 'cause your smile told me you knew That you're everything I ever wanted at once There's no holding this heart when it knows what it wants And I never wanted anything more than to know you I was swept away No one in the world but you and I Gotta find a way to make you feel the way that I do I was swept away Without a warning Like night when the morning begins the day I was swept away And so it begins This journey of love The summer wind carries us to places all our own The words of a look The language of touch The way that you want me means so much And I never wanted anything more than to love you Seeing my tomorrows in your eyes I was swept away I hope I wake up soon I'm a victim of that crazy moon The very first time you said my name I knew it would never sound the same Something about me is changed forever -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: