精華區beta lyrics 關於我們 聯絡資訊
My Band 我的團 我最大 [Intro] I don't know dude... 怎麼說呢 I think everyone's all jealous and shit cuz I'm like the lead singer of a band dude... 大家都很忌妒我 誰叫我是這個團的主唱 And I think everyone's got a fuckin problem with me dude... 我認為每個人態度都很有問題 And they need to take it up with me after the show... Because... 要變臉也該等到演唱結束以後… 因為… [Chorus] These chicks don't even know the name of my band... 這些馬子根本不鳥這個團叫什麼 But they're all on me like they wanna hold hands... 一心想撲到我身上來 握我的手 Cuz once I blow they know that i'll be the man... 只要我一個動作 全場就立刻瘋掉 All because I'm the lead singer of my band... 天意如此 誰叫我是主唱 [Verse 1 - Eminem] So I get off stage right and drop the mic 然後我走下台 甩開麥克風 Walk up to the hot chicks and I'm all like 走向這票辣妹 很帥地說 "What's up ladies, my name's Slim Shady" "女士們你好 我的名字是痞子姆" I'm the lead singer in D12 baby "我是D12的正港主唱' They're all like "Oh my god it's him" 她們就 "天ㄚ 就是你" "Becky oh my fuckin' god it's Eminem" "我的老天爺 他就是阿姆" "I swear to fuckin god dude you fuckin rock" "我對天發誓 你真的太酷了" "Please won't you please let me suck your cock" "拜託你..請你讓我幫你吹喇叭" And by now the rest of the fellas get jealous 所以其他的團員吃不到葡萄 開始酸 Especially when I drop the beat and do my acapellas 特別是當我開始耍口技 再來段清唱 All the chicks start yellin', all the hot babes 全場的馬子開始尖叫 辣的不得了 Throw their bras and their shirt and their panties on stage 丟胸罩 丟上衣 丟內褲 全都丟到舞台上 So like every single night they pick a fight with me 每個晚上 他們都巴不得殺了我 But when we fight it's kinda like sibling rivalry 雖然想打死我 下手也不敢太重 Cuz they're back on stage the next night with me 因為他們知道 明天還是需要我 Dude I just think you're tryna steal the light from me 老兄 我知道你很想搶鏡頭 Yesterday Kuniva tried to pull a knife on me 昨天酷哥想拿刀刺我 Cause I told him Jessica Alba's my wife to be 因為我跟他說 潔西卡就要嫁給我 This rock star shit, it's the life for me 我生來就是搖滾巨星的命 And all the other guys just despise me because 其他的團員都無法領悟這點… 因為.. [Chorus] These chicks don't even know the name of my band... 這些馬子根本不鳥這個團叫什麼 But they're all on me like they wanna hold hands... 一心想撲到我身上來 握我的手 Cuz once I blow they know that i'll be the man... 只要我一個動作 全場就立刻瘋掉 All because I'm the lead singer of my band... 天意如此 誰叫我是主唱 My band [repeated 9xs] 我的團 我最大 [Verse 2 - Swifty] Swifty - 阿福 You just wanna see a nigga backwards don't you 你只是想要有黑人當背景 不是嗎 Hey dad how come we don't rap on proto 為什麼我們都沒有獨唱 Smash these vocals and do a performance 為什麼我們都是大合唱 But we in the van and he in a tour bus 我們擠小貨車 他坐個人巴士 You don't want my autograph, yous a liar 你不會要我簽名的 相信我 And no I'm Swift (oh I thought you was Kuniva) 而且我不是阿福 (喔 我以為你是酷哥) What the hell is wrong with that dressing room 化妝間這是怎麼一回事 Cuz my shit is lookin smaller than a decimal 媽ㄚ 比太平間還小間 See I know how to rap, see it's simple but 事實上我很會饒舌 這是因為 All I did was read a Russell Simmons book 我有讀黑人教父寫的書 So I'm more intect, tryna get on the map 所以我很有深度 最有發展 Doin' jumpin jacks whilin' get whipped on my back 我都做牛做馬 你還騎我頭上 [Verse 3 - Kuniva and Konartis] 酷哥 & 空空 Look at Em little punk ass thinkin' he the shit 看阿姆那個小憋三 自以為老大 Yeah I know man find himself takin on a flick 我知道大家覺得他很了不起 Hey I thought we had an interview with DJ Clue 有一次我們一起做專訪 ([Em:] No I had an interview not you two) (抱歉 是'我'一個人做專訪) You gonna be late for soundcheck 你這樣彩排會遲到 Man I ain't goin' to soundcheck 拜託 我並不會去彩排 But our mics are screwed up and his always sound best 但我們麥克風老是出問題 他的永遠最沒事 You know what man I'ma say somethin 今天我一定要把話說清楚 Hey yo Em 你 聽清楚 ([Em:] You got somethin to say?!) (你有什麼問題嗎) Man no 沒有 不敢 I thought you bout to tell him off, what's up 我還以為你要幹譙他 怎麼搞的 Man I'ma tell him when I feel like it, man shut up 我高興什麼時候幹譙 就幹譙 你閉嘴 And you ain't even back me up when we s'posed to be crew 剛剛你也不幫腔 還說我們同一國 When I was bout to talk right after you 我正要插嘴幫你說 I swear, I swear man 我發誓 真的我發誓 [Chorus] These chicks don't even know the name of my band... 這些馬子根本不鳥這個團叫什麼 But they're all on me like they wanna hold hands... 一心想撲到我身上來 握我的手 Cuz once I blow they know that i'll be the man... 只要我一個動作 全場就立刻瘋掉 All because I'm the lead singer of my band... 天意如此 誰叫我是主唱 [Verse 4 - Proof] Proof強叔 They say the lead singers rock, but the group does not 大家都說主唱很屌 這個團很鳥 Once we sold out arenas to the amusement park 只要我們演唱會越辦越大 I'm gonna let the world know that proof is hot 我要讓全世界知道 強叔我最紅 I should cut his mic off when the musics starts 音樂一下 我應該把他麥克風關掉 Ready to snap on a dumbass fan 尤其是輪到他開始講廢話 Every time i hear (Hey dude I love your band) 每一次我聽到 (嗨 我愛這個樂團) We ain't a band bitch we don't play instruments 什麼樂團 我們又不玩樂器 So why he get 90 and we only get 10 percent 為什麼鋒頭他在出 苦頭我們擔 And these guys they can find every area code 回家吃自己啦 ([Em:] Proof carry my bag) (幫我提袋子) Bitch carry your own 媽的 不會自己拿 Can't make it to the stage, security in my way 借過我要上台 保全擋住我 (Who the fuck are you? Where's Obie and Dre?!) (你哪位? 歐比還是德瑞?) [Verse 5 - Bizarre] Bizarre 大胖 ***dammit I'm sick of this group 老天 我真的受夠著這個單位 Time for me to go solo and make some loop 該是我單飛 有所表現的時候了 I told you I made the beats and wrote all the raps 早期我寫所有的歌 所有的饒舌 Till Kon Artis slipped me some crack 後來那票人 逼我嗑藥學壞 Lose Yourself video I was in the back 拍"豁出去" 我在後面當背景 Superman video I was in the back 拍"超人" 我在後面當道具 Fuck the media, I got some suggestions 去他的媒體 我給你一些建議 Fuck Marshall, ask us the questions 別再問阿姆阿爸的 老愛問不停 Like who's D12, how we get started D12 有哪些人 你們怎麼認識的 (What about Eminem?) (那阿姆呢?) Bitch are you retarded? 你是智障ㄚ? Anyway I'm the popularest guy in the group 反正 你記得是我最受歡迎 Big ass stomache, bitches think I'm cute 屁股大食量大 辣妹愛我這型 50 told me to do situps to get buff 五角叫我做仰臥起坐 練腹肌 I did two and a half and then I couldn't get up 我做了兩下半 命去了一半 Fuck D12, I'm outta this band 去你的D12我要單飛 I'm gonna start a group with the real Roxanne 我要重新組個團 改走實力路線 [Eminem] Girl why cant you see your the only one for me 女孩 為什麼還懷疑 你是我的唯一 and it just tears my ass apart to know that you dont know my band... 喔 而且你不知道我有個團 讓我粉傷心 [Chorus - Bizarre] These chicks don't even know the name of my band...(ha ha) 這些馬子根本不鳥這個團叫什麼 (嘿嘿嘿) But they're all on me like they wanna hold hands...(Fuck Marshall) 一心想撲到我身上來 握我的手 (走開啦) Cuz once I blow they know that i'll be the man... 只要我一個動作 全場就立刻瘋掉 All because I'm the lead singer of my band... 天意如此 誰叫我是主唱 My Band [Repeated 9x] 我的團 我最大 [Outro] The hottest boy band in the world... 史上最受歡迎男孩團體 D12! D 12 [Eminem as a salsa singer] I'm the lead singer of my band, I get all the girl's to take off their underpants 偶素主唱 偶讓這些女孩脫掉小內褲 And the lead singer of my band, my salsa 偶素主唱 偶愛吃沙茶醬 Makes all the pretty girl's wanna dance 偶讓那些美女 粉想跳熱舞 My salsa, look out for my next single, it's called My Salsa... 偶的沙茶醬 注意囉 偶的下一首歌 叫做偶的沙茶醬 My salsa, salsa, salsa, salsa, my salsa 偶的沙茶醬 沙沙沙 茶茶茶 偶的沙茶醬 Makes all the pretty girls wanna dance 偶讓那些美女 粉想跳熱舞 And take off their underpants 偶讓這些女孩 脫掉小內褲 My salsa makes all the pretty girls wanna dance 偶的沙茶醬 偶讓那些美女 粉想跳熱舞 And take off their underpants, my salsa 脫掉小內褲 偶的沙茶醬 (Where'd everybody go?) 人攏走叨去? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: