精華區beta lyrics 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Only When I Lose Myself It's only when I lose myself with someone else That I find myself I find myself It's only when I lose myself with someone else That I find myself I find myself Something beautiful is happening inside for me Something sensual, it's full of fire and mystery I feel hypnotized, I feel paralized I have found heaven There's a thousand reasons Why I shouldn't spend my time with you For every reason not to be here I can think of two Keep me hanging on Feeling nothing's wrong Inside your heaven It's only when I lose myself with someone else That I find myself I find myself It's only when I lose myself with someone else That I find myself I find myself I can feel the emptiness inside me fade and disappear There's a feeling of contempment that now you are here I feel satisfied I belong inside Your velvet heaven Did I need to sell my soul For pleasure like this Did I have to lose control To treasure your kiss Did I need to place my heart In the palm of your hand Before I could even start To understand It's only when I lose myself with someone else That I find myself I find myself It's only when I lose myself with someone else That I find myself I find myself -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.twbbs.org) ◆ From: