精華區beta lyrics 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Run Joey Run 喬伊快跑 Daddy please don't, it wasn't his fault, he means so much to me. 爹地請不要,這不是他的錯,他對我如此意義深重。 Daddy please don't,we're gonna get married...just you wait and see. 爹地請不要,我和他會結婚...只要你耐心等著看。 Every night, the same old dream. I hate to close my eyes. 每晚做著同樣的夢,我不願閉上雙眼。 I can't erase the memory. The sound of Julie's cry. 我無法抹去這段記憶,還有茱莉哭喊的聲音。 She called me up, late last night, she said Joe, don't come over 昨晚夜半,她打電話給我,她說喬,不要過來。 My dad and I just had a fight, and he stormed out the door 我爸和我吵了架,他奪門而出。 I've never seen him act his this way, my God, he's going crazy 我從未見過他這樣,我的天,他已抓狂。 He says he's gonna make you pay, for what we've done, he's got a gun, so 他說,他要你為我倆的事付出代價,他拿著槍,所以 Run Joey Run Joey Run 快跑!喬伊快跑!喬伊快跑! Daddy please don't, it wasn't his fault, he means so much to me. 爹地請不要,這不是他的錯,他對我如此意義深重。 Daddy please don't,we're gonna get married...just you wait and see. 爹地請不要,我和他會結婚...只要你耐心等著看。 I got in my car and I drove like mad, till I reached Julie's place 我跳上我的車,一路狂飆,直達茱莉的家。 She ran to me, with tears in her eyes, and bruises on her face 她噙著淚水跑向我,臉上帶著烏青。 All at once, I saw him there, sneaking up behind me, WATCH OUT! 一瞬間,我看到他在那,偷偷跟在我後面,「小心!」 Then Julie yelled, he's got a gun, and she stepped in front of me 茱莉喊著,他有槍,一箭步擋在我身前 Suddenly, a shot rang out, and I saw Julie falling 剎那,槍聲響起,我看見茱莉倒下 I ran to her, I held her close, when I looked down, my hands were red, 我跑向她,緊抱著,當我低頭看,我的雙手染鮮紅。 and here's the last words Julie said... 茱莉最後這麼說著... Daddy please don't, it wasn't his fault, he means so much to me. 爹地請不要,這不是他的錯,他對我如此意義深重。 Daddy please don't,we're gonna get married... 爹地請不要,我和他會結婚... Run Joey Run Joey Run Joey Run Joey Run Joey Run Joey Run... 快跑!喬伊快跑!喬伊快跑!喬伊快跑!喬伊快跑!喬伊快跑!喬伊快跑... GLEE版本 http://0rz.tw/iGW4D -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: GregOden 來自: (12/07 21:52)