精華區beta lyrics 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Why Can't I Be You? You're so gorgeous I'll do anything I'll kiss you from your feet To where your head begins You're so perfect you're so right as rain You make me Make me hungry again Everything you do is irresistable Everything you do is simply kissable Why can't I be you? I'll run around in circles Til I run out of breath I'll eat you all up Or I'll just hug you to death You're so wonderful Too good to be true You make me Make me hungry for you Everything you do is simply delicate Everything you do is quite angelicate Why can't I be you? You turn my head when you turn around You turn the whole world upside down I'm smitten I'm bitten I'm hooked I'm cooked I'm stuck like glue You make me Make me hungry for you Everything you do is simply dreamy Everything you do is quite delicious Why can't I be you? Why can't I be you? Why can't I be you? -- We live on a mountain right at the top. There's a beautiful view from the top of the mountain. Every morning i walk towards the edge and throw little things off, like car parts, bottles, and cutlery, or whatever i find lying around. It's become a habit, a way to start a day. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: