精華區beta lyrics 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《Nujaja (不是Nubra)》之銘言: : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztb7zve9v5Q
: 不知道有沒有大大知道這首歌的歌名、唱的歌手,以及歌詞? : 覺得這種鄉村風格的音樂 很好聽想要學著唱~ : 謝謝!! 直接回好了 搜尋了一下 這首歌好像很多人唱過 歌名是rare old mountain dew 這個版本是clancy brothers唱的 歌詞如下 Let the grasses grow and the waters flow in a free and easy way But give me enough of the rare old stuff that's made near Galway Bay Come gangers all from Donegal, Sligo and Leitrim too Oh, we'll give 'em a slip and we'll take a sip of the rare old mountain dew thiddle i ay di diddle dum thiddle i ay di diddle dum thiddle i ay di diddle dum rum a dum dey thiddle i ay di diddle dum thiddle i ay di diddle dum thiddle i ay di diddle dum rum a dum dey There's a neat little still at the foot of the hill, where the smoke curls up to the sky By a whiff of the smell you can plainly tell, that there's poitín, boys, close by For it fills the air with a perfume rare, and betwixt both me and you As home we roll, we can drink a bowl, or a bucketful of mountain dew thiddle i ay di diddle dum thiddle i ay di diddle dum thiddle i ay di diddle dum rum a dum dey thiddle i ay di diddle dum thiddle i ay di diddle dum thiddle i ay di diddle dum rum a dum dey Now learned men as use the pen, have writ the praises high Of the sweet poitín from Ireland green, distilled from wheat and rye Away with yer pills, it'll cure all ills, be ye Pagan, Christian or Jew So take off your coat and grease your throat with a bucketful of mountain dew thiddle i ay di diddle dum thiddle i ay di diddle dum thiddle i ay di diddle dum rum a dum dey thiddle i ay di diddle dum thiddle i ay di diddle dum thiddle i ay di diddle dum rum a dum dey -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: