精華區beta lyrics 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Cord - Other People's Lives Are Not As Perfect As They Seem (2006) Sea of Trouble We're in awful mess with money,honey It's hard reaching around the next corner And I can't provide all the things that you want from me Outwardly seeming stable and together We can no longer carry each other But days go by just as surely as we'll see this storm through We're in a Sea of Trouble now When will it end? Every day something else goes wrong When things couldn't be more stressful But days go by just as surely as we'll see this storm through We're in a Sea of Trouble now When will it end? We're in a Sea of Trouble now That's when the yelling starts We're in a Sea of Trouble now When will it end? We're in a Sea of Trouble now That's when the yelling starts That's when the yelling starts And then the yelling starts When will the yelling stop? We're in a Sea of Trouble now -- 在精華區好像沒看到這個樂團的歌詞,手上剛好有這張專輯就順手PO篇歌詞 完全是照上面打的 但聽起來有一兩行聽起來不太一樣(?) 有興趣的可以聽聽看囉 :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnAyK7Ot1Qk
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: simonohmygod 來自: (08/18 15:12)