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題幹問何種處置對於因為uremia而腹膜透析,生長發育遲緩的九歲男孩的身高沒有幫助? 根據Harrison 16th edition chap.261 Chronic renal failure p1655 Table 261-4 clinical abnormalities和內文所述,並沒有提到生長激素缺乏的情形,因此選項(B)補 充生長激素不見得對男童身高有幫助。另外公佈答案(C)給與高熱量低蛋白飲食,反而是 跟CRD飲食建議的protein restriction吻合(Harrison p1661) 應該可以對小男孩的腎病 有改善,反而可能對病情有幫助。所以我認為本題不是無解送分,就是應該更改答案為B 。 Harrison 16th edition chap261 p1661 Protein restriction (Table 261-6)… The effectiveness of protein restriction in slowing the progression of CRD has been shown in controlled clinical trials in patients with both diabetic and nondiabetic renal disease. -- 剪不斷 理還亂 是離愁 是鄉愁 是愛恨情仇 寂寞裡清秋 深夜獨上西樓 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: