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關於A這個選項 貝氏第七版中文版 p.535 脛骨向前拉動時發生痙攣現象,可能是anterior cruciate ligment 撕裂傷,前拉徵相呈陽性反應(positive anterior drawer sign) 下面還有Lachman測試,不過也只有說:關節明顯向前移動可能是anterior cruciate ligment撕裂傷;也沒指出這兩種檢查對診斷跟使用時機的差異之處 另外還在網路找到這篇http://www.jbjs.org.uk/cgi/reprint/77-B/4/586.pdf 第一頁就有這段:The same examiner performed all the physical examinations, which included the Lachman test (Torg, Conrad and Kalen 1976), the anterior-drawer test at 90°of knee flexion, and the pivot-shift test. Positive Lachman and drawer tests were defined by any difference between injured and normal knees. 應該(A) (C)都可以才是 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
davidlo:這題我也想推. 但是UpToDate有一篇說 Lachman 比 Anterior 02/17 01:48
davidlo:Drawer 的 Sensitivity和Specificity 都高一點... 但是有 02/17 01:48
davidlo:另一個研究不認同. 這種有爭議的, 考什麼考阿... 02/17 01:49
davidlo:這題我也會申覆. 02/17 01:49