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下列何者是腹腔鏡膽囊切除術(laparoscopic cholecystectomy)的 major contraindication? 猨(A)懷孕婦女 獏(B)Calot’s triangle 無法清楚辨識 獱(C)腹部曾開過刀 (D)肝硬化病人 答案: B 建議答案: A或B 申覆理由: 孕婦在1st trimester動laparoscopic cholecystectomy會有畸胎跟自然流產的風險, 另 外3rd trimester則會增加preterm labor, premature delivery風險. 因此孕婦應該等到 2nd trimester或到小孩生出來以後才開刀比較適合. 因此孕婦如果在1st和3rd trimester的話也不應該開laparoscopic cholecystectomy. ps: 很遺憾在Schwartz和Sabiston都沒找到相關敘述 而考選部公布的外科參考書還有 Textbook of Surgery:the biological basis of modern surgical practice,(17th ed.) , by David C. Sabiston(ed.) W. B. Saunders Co (2004) 不知道有沒有好心人有這本或有電子檔, 幫忙看一下補充一下 感恩 參考資料: http://www.laparoendoscopy.com/lap_chole.htm -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
lepputte:Sabiston17th p1612 Cholecystectomy:indications... 02/23 00:49
lepputte:Few current contraindication to LC = uncontrolled 02/23 00:51
lepputte:coagulopathy, severe COPD/CHF 第二欄則提到 major 02/23 00:52
lepputte:contraindication is inability to clearly identify 02/23 00:53
lepputte:all structure. 02/23 00:55
lepputte:Johns Hopkins manual of GYN-OBS 4th p251 LC may be 02/23 01:00
lepputte:performed in all trimesters, 但如可以 LC安排在2nd 02/23 01:01
lepputte:trimester為佳. 懷孕應該不是LC的major禁忌症 02/23 01:02
lepputte:此題申覆 難過.... 02/23 01:17
surgeoner:恩, 謝謝, 我看兩本大書都沒寫, 就覺得有危險了 ~"~ 02/23 08:25
surgeoner:不過還是拚拚看吧 sigh 02/23 08:26
lepputte:如果要拼 找找看 William產科 大書 孕中手術一節 看有沒 02/23 10:00
lepputte:有提到 LC 禁忌 試試看 02/23 10:01