精華區beta medstudent 關於我們 聯絡資訊
(全文很長,我想分兩篇吧!) 我知道版主結案了,可是我有點話想說…… 這是我在這個版第一次po文啊……平常潛水潛得還蠻不亦樂乎的, 只是因為以後很可能就是誤人子弟的傢伙,這些問題多少要有點概念。 又剛好自己曾經是腦袋結構比較不正常的牙醫學生,所以我是有想過這個問題, 不過當時看到的資料都不在手上,所以只好先用google到的資料擋一下, 如果有更厲害的google強者發現什麼新資訊就麻煩補充一下。 其實在這個時間點看到這個問題對我來說實在不太好, 因為我好不容易才從論文寫作模式慢慢回復正常,結果又被打回原形── 只是這回用的是google而不是NCBI。 先說,那本《牙齒的故事:圖說牙醫學史》是好物,N年前的大拜拜, 工會有發給每一個有參加的會員,對牙醫學史有興趣又嫌書貴的, 麻煩請去跟認識的牙醫借一下。 回題。 牙醫跟醫學分開的源頭是全世界第一間牙醫學院。ADA的網頁是這麼寫的: 1840—Horace Hayden and Chapin Harris establish the world's first dental school, the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, and originate the Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree. (The school merges with the University of Maryland School of Dentistry in 1923). (http://www.ada.org/public/resources/history/timeline_19cent.asp) 大家的英文都很好,所以我不翻譯了。重點是兩個名字:HH先生和CH先生。 CH先生的小傳可以在wiki上找得到: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chapin_A._Harris) Chapin A. Harris A.M., M.D., D.D.S. (1806-1860) was an American physician and dentist, born May 6, 1806 at Pompey, N.Y.. At the age of 17 he studied medicine in Madison, Ohio, in the office of his brother, Dr. John Harris, who also tutored him in dentistry, a subject which interested him particularly. He subsequently passed the Board of Medical Censors in 1824 and was licensed to practice medicine. He soon commenced practice in Greenfield, Ohio, were he remained for about one year, traveling to Bloomfield, Ohio, then Fredericksburg, Virginia. In 1828, Dr. Harris turned to dentistry, and by 1833 was a student of Dr. Horace Henry Hayden located in Baltimore. Licensed by the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland, Harris conducted an itinerant dental practice throughout the South, before settling permanently in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1835. He received the honorary M. D. degree from Washington Medical College at Baltimore, in which he was a professor in 1838. Shurtleff College in Alton, Illinois, conferred an A.M. degree on him in 1842. His D.D.S. was obtained through membership of the American Society of Dental Surgery, and an honorary D.D.S. degree was conferred upon him by the Philadelphia Dental College in 1854. His death occurred on September 29, 1860, due mainly to overwork. 簡單來說,HH先生一開始拿的是MD學位(美國的第一間醫學院, 也就是U Penn的前身,成立於1765年),後來因為對牙醫學有興趣, 就拜HH先生為師了,他自己的DDS則是美國第一個牙醫師公會ASDA授與的。 至於他跟HH成立全世界第一間牙醫學院的經過,wiki是這麼說的: With the assistance and advice of three other physicians, he worked tirelessly to establish the first dental school in the world. Apparently his initial attempt was to establish a dental training school attached to the Medical Department of the University of Maryland. This first attempt did not meet with success, possibly due to the opposition of Dr. H.W. Baxley, one of the dental faculty, to the regents of the University. He persevered in his efforts and during the winter of 1839-40, almost single handedly, gathered the signatures of representative citizens for a petition to the legislature of the state of Maryland for the incorporation of a College of Dental Surgery at Baltimore. Surmounting the opposition of jealous medical rivals, he successfully managed to obtain the charter and with the aid of H. H. Hayden, Thomas E. Bond, H. Willis Baxley, S. Brown, E. Parmly and others, he organized the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery in 1840. He was the school first dean and professor of practical dentistry. After the death of H.H. Hayden in 1844, he became the school's second president. 也就是說,其實一開始HH和CH跟chancemore的看法接近, 他們的確曾想將牙醫學當作醫學的一個分支, 可是因為HB先生的緣故,計畫無疾而終。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
holyleonidas:推 08/18 16:39
deathsman:沒結案阿 還是歡迎討論喔 08/18 16:47
YTDoctor:收錄到z-32-1-5-1 08/18 20:42
post01:參考一下!謝謝! http://www.94istudy.com 11/18 19:28