精華區beta medstudent 關於我們 聯絡資訊
2002年的Gastroenterology, 123(5): 1440 寫道: Jean-Francois Calot (1861–1944) was born in Arrens, France. He served as a surgeon in Berck-sur-Mer at the Rothschild Hospital and the Hospital Cazin-Perrochaud. For his doctoral thesis in 1890 at Paris, he chose the topic of cholecystectomy and dealt in detail with the anatomy and technique involved. He asserted that working in the region of the cystic duct “is the more delicate part of the operation.” He described an isoceles triangle with the common hepatic duct as its base, the inferior edge of the cystic duct and the superior border to the cystic artery as its sides. Dr.Calot自己說的應該比較有公信力吧~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
dreamfeather:專業 推 07/21 23:18
dnacat:可是Sabiston定義是國考答案耶... 07/21 23:22
xxray:由此可知,這題如果出了,兩種答案都可以申覆!(做下一題XD 07/21 23:26
ilovewwe:calot本人說是cystic a. 但臨床上好像都以boarder為主 07/21 23:43
ilovewwe:只有問開過膽囊的人覺得那種好認為主吧 07/21 23:44
wijj:推本人的說法XD 可惜考試還是要個答案的 07/21 23:44