精華區beta movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. You know who I am? I'm your worst nightmare, man. 2. Y'all be cool. 3. You know you have a very big mouth, sir. 4. You can handle the truth. 5. Life found the way. 6. Our scientists have done things which nobody has done before. 7. Your mother is so fat, she jumped up in the air and got stuck. 8. I'll win the crown, I would give they something they've never seen before. 請問這幾句台詞分別是從哪些電影出來的阿?不太知道它們真正的意思,租片來看 看,有神人電影迷知道嗎?thx. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
mmacro:5: 侏儸紀~ 10/04 17:53
matchkiwi:7應該是隨身變 10/04 17:56
a9a99:6好像也是侏儸紀公園 10/04 17:56
matchkiwi:8是神鬼戰士? 10/04 17:56
star123:5總覺得很像是wiki上的"life will find its way" 10/04 18:00
bitchbetty:1是不是藍波第三集在洞穴時的無線電對話? 10/04 18:07
newgunden:1.說這句話的是致敬藍波3 10/04 18:07
meisterhaft:4. A Few Good Men 軍官與魔鬼 You can't handle the 10/04 18:13
meisterhaft:truth.才對 http://tinyurl.com/4qox2h 該片段 10/04 18:15
brereton:5是發現野外孵化恐龍蛋之後說的..... 10/04 19:58
hsDJ:有請電影神人cappa大師 10/05 00:11
wishlpl:7是不是這不是斯巴達裡頭跟黑人尬的那段裡 10/08 16:30