精華區beta movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《stopbarks (Sturm)》之銘言: : 如題,看了很多電影之後,有些片看看笑過就忘記了 : 可是有幾個電影總會有一兩句話,或是片名是很有意義的佳句 : 值得令人思考,我個人挺喜歡王牌冤家的片名 : "Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind" : 美麗心靈的永恆陽光,讓我有時候難過或是心情不好的時候都會打起精神來 : 不曉得大家有沒有推薦什麼電影,是有幾句話令人莞爾的呢? ~~ "Yippie Kai Yay Mother Fxxker" "Hasta la vista,baby" "Get away from her you BiXXh" "May the force be with you" "I Am Ironman" 動作片、科幻片、英雄...糟糕,我記得的全都是爽片... ~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
antiwash5566:HOOHA 11/27 13:57
toyamaK52:I AM THE LAW <- 還是爽片 11/27 14:01
tewrqazbn:So others may live 11/27 14:14
KD00840013:Say hello to my little friend, 11/27 14:15
NotJill:HAHAHAHAHAJA~<-The JOKER 11/27 14:44
Joejohnz:阿哭拉瑪塔塔~~ 11/27 19:13
pttnowash:Hello, 原po, u dont know me but I know you. 11/27 19:36
pttnowash:I want to play a game. 11/27 19:36
ghostcch:old man my ass! 11/27 20:09
ghostcch:when you go outside,watch your back,ok? watch your 11/27 20:11
ghostcch:back! 11/27 20:12
ghostcch:I will bring you down,baby!I will bring you down to 11/27 20:13
ghostcch:china town! 11/27 20:13
parkerwind:Wilson!!!!!!!!! 11/27 20:32
......you are sorry? ※ 編輯: diffmove 來自: (11/27 21:44)
gaoli:put the lotion on your skin 11/27 23:57
ta180109:TIA This is Africa 11/27 23:57
houna:Why so serious? 11/28 01:02