精華區beta movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. 請描述欲尋找電影的類型或特徵(請盡量描述清楚) 最近看了大亨小傳(2013)不知為什麼想到前陣子看的愛殺達令 因為真的不知道他們共同點在哪, 應該是大亨小傳裡 So we beat on,boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. 這句話讓我想到愛殺達令裡 Allen Ginsberg: Some things, once you've loved them, become yours forever./And i Lucien Carr: ...or they destroy you. 這兩句話都讓我印象深刻 好像貫穿整部電影的感覺 希望也看過這兩部電影的人推薦給我你也很愛的電影 拜託了>< 2. 已知符合需求的電影或偏好的電影類型(為避免重複推文,請至少列舉一部) 愛殺達令 大亨小傳 3. 不喜歡的電影類型 分歧者 洨時代 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1414913085.A.C8B.html
jimmy5680: life is like a box of chocolates ?11/02 15:30
sake0803: Jizz in my pants 11/02 15:33
johny56: Argo11/02 15:37
hesza: You can be as mad as a mad dog at the way things went.11/02 15:41
swatch44: you jump i jump 最後everybody jump11/02 15:41
hesza: You could swear,?curse the fates, but when it comes to11/02 15:41
hesza: you have to let go.(班傑明)11/02 15:42
m122e: Hope is a good thing!11/02 15:50
KYLAT: 致命ID的算嗎?11/02 15:51
baxk4lzoq: 你看我的臉有在笑嗎11/02 15:52
Wurnt: 樓上移動世界11/02 15:54
Standpoint: 讓子彈飛11/02 15:56
KYLAT: 電影想不到,但想到電玩-極地戰嚎3的那句“瘋狂的定義”11/02 15:59
ALLEN17: Caesar is home 11/02 16:00
mouse680105: Matrix 3 Because I choose to11/02 16:02
bismarck3025: 既決高下、也決生死~~11/02 16:02
yeh0216: 新娘百分百不知道算不算11/02 16:04
NANJO1569: 梅爾吉伯遜之英雄本色:Freedom 貫穿全片 T-T11/02 16:13
smapvest: All is well 三個傻瓜11/02 16:24
lpbrother: 淑比狗11/02 16:37
kimfatt: 讓子彈飛一會兒?11/02 16:44
dandewalk: 我肏你媽的台北11/02 16:45
Reena0920: 哈哭那馬塔塔11/02 16:52
Vassili242: 給開司一罐啤酒 11/02 16:56
ps20012001: i want to play a game...(抖抖..11/02 16:59
b10012013: 推讓子彈飛一會11/02 17:08
snooker: Are you watching closely?11/02 17:09
james123787: 像怪物一樣活著,還是要像個好人死了11/02 17:10
james123787: 忘記原文了11/02 17:10
hbk32407: I am groot.11/02 17:14
kouta: I wish I could quit you11/02 17:17
a0989876: 別誤會 我是說在座的各位都是11/02 17:17
lingen: it's not who you are underneath it's what you do that11/02 17:19
lingen: defines you11/02 17:19
vlckcy: Now you see me.11/02 17:20
ken170up: 威爾森!!!!!! 11/02 17:20
mark0079: greed is good11/02 17:22
SamUK: 食神好棒~11/02 17:32
smc0911: 頂尖對決裡面……魔術分為xx,oo,jj…………不是你看不到11/02 17:33
smc0911: ,而是你不想去看11/02 17:33
eric6210: Why not? 我們買了動物園11/02 17:39
twinmick: 人遇到重大意外的時候、就會選擇失憶..11/02 17:39
chronoinn: 出神入化:再靠近一點,你越靠近就越看不清11/02 17:43
kelvintube: I am your father.11/02 17:43
d38485678: Good luck11/02 17:43
lariat: 錢不夠用 11/02 17:45
oddism: 天下武功,唯快不破 XD11/02 17:49
chronoinn: 有資格開槍的人,只有有著被射殺覺悟的人。11/02 17:53
garrickhsu: 陽陽:我相信你11/02 17:55
garrickhsu: 陽陽超好看11/02 17:56
poloo9: how do you turn this on11/02 17:58
eco100: I wish I know how to quit you11/02 18:14
pauljet: 開司XD11/02 18:21
pilifonbao: 球不是這樣踢的11/02 18:24
bolin1991: I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and11/02 18:31
bolin1991: that's not bad. There'sno one I'd rather be than m11/02 18:31
bolin1991: e-無敵破壞王11/02 18:31
aquatitan: i am groot 11/02 18:34
lpbrother: 頂尖對決 出神入化 全面啟動11/02 18:35
silver8210: why so serious?(誤)11/02 18:35
Dillon0801: A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a11/02 18:41
Dillon0801: a fool from his friends---RUSH11/02 18:42
ttc768160: 瑞凡、我回不去了(誤11/02 18:49
fangbianmian: Lili marleen11/02 18:54
zhankai: I am Groot XDDDDDD11/02 19:03
Andy139925: Sent from my Android -廢文11/02 19:05
jerichoholic: keep your friends(還是family)close,your enemies11/02 19:06
jerichoholic: closer 11/02 19:06
GANZ: Sam. Mr.Frodo11/02 19:13
ParkerWind: I see dead people....11/02 19:37
racab: 投明狀11/02 19:39
pppli: i am groot11/02 19:41
mapleming: 我為秋香11/02 19:41
gelion: die hard11/02 19:50
lovecut: motherfucker jones11/02 19:55
RickyRubio: 嘿~老闆兒~11/02 19:55
mrmowmow: 風起11/02 20:00
chocred: Sell me this pen<華爾街之狼>11/02 20:28
amadus1216: Sell me this pen is suck11/02 20:31
coyot92618: 大哥是對的 11/02 20:36
youknowwho02: Atonement - Come back. Come back to me.11/02 20:38
b01102064: I will find you and I will KILL you.11/02 20:41
jacky5827: Yes~!沒問題先生11/02 20:50
muching: 瘋狂的石頭 - 我頂你媽個肺11/02 21:05
chuchu512: 推 無敵破壞王11/02 21:07
musicfire: Bond, James Bond11/02 21:14
hanchenghan: OK? OK. 這算嗎XD 出現在開頭不久跟結尾11/02 21:16
Clinkz: The Prestige11/02 21:16
Beanoodle: 移動迷宮-wick is good11/02 21:21
vict2468: 聽說桐島退社了 11/02 21:34
WERGGC: 投名狀-大哥是對的11/02 21:40
asstitle: I am Batman11/02 21:44
tristayes: I wish I didn't know you,but I did.11/02 21:54
eric081693: Bangkok has him now11/02 22:10
ian1107: 功夫! 一橫一豎 站著才有資格說話11/02 22:17
raAE: "carrying the fire"--末路浩劫11/02 22:23
stan0227: good luck11/02 22:33
XtinaGrimmie: 誰說沒有槍頭就桶不死人~11/02 22:35
Arctica: Good Luck11/02 22:48
k517052: 殺死丁力這個雜碎~~~11/02 23:02
carzy: 緊價舞訝~11/02 23:09
dinotea: 大家可以回家了 11/02 23:22
jump5566: 魔警-人心總納一點黑11/02 23:34
qwe104: They are my past. Everyone is haunted by their past.11/02 23:52
※ 編輯: totoro12 (, 11/03/2014 00:02:35
ching830930: 死神不喜歡被欺騙 11/03 00:16
imymeyou: Okey. 生命中的美好缺憾XDDD 11/03 00:23
nineveh: 你他媽給我翻譯翻譯什麼叫做驚喜!!!!!!!!!!!! 11/03 00:32
ab577438: what are you thinking..? 11/03 00:32
loloman: you jump I jump 11/03 00:45
Xersei5566: 唐伯虎點秋香 11/03 01:00
Chaser1482: Caeser is home 11/03 01:01
miyakein: I want to play a game 11/03 01:53
pojohn: 為什麼我老爸不是李嘉誠 11/03 02:40
wwweer267: 苦差事 11/03 03:47
byon1009: 操他媽垃圾政府。(白米炸彈客 11/03 04:19
naked: 大國民-Rosebound 11/03 04:39
bye2007: 駭客任務: 歡迎來到真實世界! 11/03 08:21
AllenHuang: I am Groot. 真的貫穿整部片 XD 11/03 09:08
bluecrazyboy: 佛羅多! 11/03 09:16
sixx: Love is everywhere 猜猜看哪一部喔~ XD 11/03 09:48
murderess: 大哥是對的! 11/03 10:20
a26862525: 你給我翻譯翻譯甚麼叫做驚喜! 11/03 10:43
l102066: 派特的幸福劇本 11/03 11:04
ronnyvvang: I want to paly a game 11/03 11:13
skykc3210: As above so below(忐忑) 11/03 11:38
skykc3210: What's up~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11/03 11:39
salqv: 看標題直接想到的就是 讓子彈飛 11/03 11:59
butterboy: 我在大都等你 11/03 12:49
ruey1992: 再來ㄧ根針(誤 11/03 13:33
vxcellent: Winter is coming 11/03 13:43
kyodanny: Good luck! 11/03 13:57
mindscold: 等價交換... 11/03 14:11
daiwiner: Life finds a way 11/03 15:04
esho: 我係差人 11/03 15:35
kevin6677: Do you want to build the snow man 11/03 15:45
WTFDARK: wicked is good 11/03 16:43
futureisours: I SEE DEAD PEOPLE ..... 11/03 16:44
nvemissing: over my dead bpdy 11/03 17:10
ayuELT: open your eyes 11/03 17:22
appledevil: YAMALUBE 11/03 17:35
soruty: i may not be perfect.but i'll aways be myself 11/03 17:48
mopackc09971: I am the god of the world. 11/03 18:15
Tonyk: I'm iron man 11/03 18:48
naneo: I'm groot XDDDDDDD 11/03 20:04
pandaboy: I am your father. 11/03 22:42
anonymous: 生而在世,我很抱歉。 11/03 22:46
rico5112: I will be back 11/03 23:30
she815: Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown.(唐人街) 11/03 23:45
s2563052: 戰鬥吧,這就是我們的世界 我們得在這世界活下去才行。 11/04 00:47
s2563052: (聽說桐島退社了 11/04 00:51
soraka: 頂尖對決! 11/04 01:17
soraka: 蜘蛛人 11/04 01:17
kyouya: you complete me 11/04 02:15
japanboy: If you are good at something. Never do it for free. 11/04 02:59
assassin305: 有一部電影最後是一個阿兵哥問:你們在搞什麼? 11/04 10:54
assassin305: 內容是敘述一群童子軍在荒島求生 11/04 10:55
togdabest: 出神入化:now u see me 11/04 11:14
XD051: Come with me if you want to live 11/04 12:00
s910928: you jump,i jump, right? 11/04 12:44
cavc1004: Wicked is good 11/04 14:11
aulaul82: 我在未來等你(跳躍時空的少女) 11/04 14:17
tsubasa5566: 蜘蛛人 力量愈大責任愈大 11/04 17:00
applemilker: You had me at hello 11/05 00:58
BoiceSun: 變形金剛系列....Boom 11/05 01:35
radha: The Dude abides. The Big Lebowski. 11/05 02:58
ashinviva: 自強不息! 11/06 19:25
Habai: That's marriage 11/07 13:22
foryou168: FREEDOM!!!!! 11/18 22:01
dexgaga: i have no idea 12/06 13:24
z7810312007: Chaos 12/07 18:33
barbie0924: ALL IS WELL 三個傻瓜 02/08 14:38