精華區beta movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. 瓦力 "WALL-E" Yes, the second half is merely really, really good, but the nearly wordless first 40 minutes suggests unsuspected affinities between Charlie Chapin and Stanley Kubrick. 2. 冰旅記事 "Encounters at the End of the World" The documentary of the year also has an apocalyptic theme. Werner Herzog visits Antarctica and discovers we're all on thin ice. 3. 尋她千百度 "In the City of Sylvia" A man returns to the city to find the girl that got away. Jose Luis Guerin fashions a remarkable mazy quasi-musical out of looks and glances. 4. 三峽好人 "Still Life" Maybe the most prescient film of the year, Jia Zhangke looks at China as a superpower in the making -- and the unmaking -- as the towns along the Three Gorges Dam project are dismantled brick by brick. 5. 鐵腕豪情 "Appaloosa" Ed Harris was obviously born to make Westerns. Too unpretentious for its own good, this was classical American moviemaking at its best -- better, incidentally, than Clint Eastwood's revisionist riff on gun lore in "Gran Torino." 6. 力挽狂瀾 "The Wrestler" Darren Aronofsky's authentically downbeat movie is distinguished by its sympathy for the muscle men and strippers who never got beyond the first rung of the American Dream. 7. 血色入侵 "Let the Right One In" Preteen vampires. This is what "Twilight" would be if it were five times better, Swedish and told from the point of view of a lonely 12-year-old boy. 8. 迷幻公園 "Paranoid Park" This poetic teen art film is the most fluent and coherent of Gus Van Sant's experimental works. Part crime mystery, part coming-of-age story, it's positively overflowing with burnished imagery and adolescent turmoil. 9. 班傑明的奇幻旅程 "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" We know there are no second acts to American lives, but Benjamin takes Fitzgerald at his word. Brad Pitt ages with uncommon grace in David Fincher's fantastical love story, the ultimate slow dissolve. 10. 亂字訣 "JCVD" Jean Claude Van Damme -- the Muscles from Brussels -- pulls a Mickey Rourke, playing himself (brilliantly) in a Belgian bank robbery thriller written and directed by first timer Mabrouk El Mechri. What late nights were invented for. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
gfwer:怎麼沒有海角七號 01/01 09:08
weiwei1117:迷幻公園我實在沒有很喜歡耶... 01/01 09:31
cynthia1104:Benjamin非常好看!!! 01/01 09:39
dader:三峽好人不是06年的嗎... 01/01 09:54
kevin340332:比海角七號好看的片多很多 當然不會有海角七號 01/01 10:07
sunnychu:噢我倒是很喜歡迷幻公園~~ 01/01 10:56
andy1055:尋她千百度...是去年金馬的尋找希薇亞嗎? 01/01 11:04
jackynuts:沒一片我有看 XD 01/01 11:05
cicci2005:三峽好人2008年才在美國上映 01/01 11:13
maggie777:推JVCD 01/01 12:37
sixsix666:瓦力好厲害 01/01 13:25
chien533:這兩天我居然看了Wall-E和Benjamin, 沒想到都上榜了:P 01/01 14:37
ssd123698745:沒有TDK 01/01 17:28
sufjan:jcvD不是亂字訣,那是該台站呼,JCVD是尚克勞范達美名縮寫 01/01 18:46
lucas01:WALL-E sux 01/01 19:57
fadein:我也不愛 迷幻公園耶...好悶... 01/02 13:43