精華區beta movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
完整榜單:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/32nd_Golden_Raspberry_Awards Worst Picture 脫星世家 Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star 龍鳳大雙包 Jack and Jill 101次新年快樂 New Year's Eve 變形金剛3 Transformers: Dark of the Moon 暮光之城:破曉1 The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 Worst Actor 羅素布蘭德 Russell Brand - Arthur 尼可拉斯凱吉 Nicolas Cage - Drive Angry, Season of the Witch and Trespass 泰勒羅特納 Taylor Lautner - Abduction and The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 亞當山德勒 Adam Sandler - Jack and Jill (as Jack) and Just Go with It 尼克史瓦森 Nick Swardson - Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star Worst Actress 馬丁勞倫斯(反串)Martin Lawrence (as Big Momma) - Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son 莎拉培林 Sarah Palin (as herself) - The Undefeated 莎拉潔西卡帕克 Sarah Jessica Parker - I Don’t Know How She Does It and New Year’s Eve 亞當山德勒(反串)Adam Sandler (as Jill) - Jack and Jill 克莉絲丁史都華 Kristen Stewart - The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 Worst Supporting Actor 派屈克丹普西 Patrick Dempsey - Transformers: Dark of the Moon 詹姆斯法蘭科 James Franco - Your Highness 鄭肯 Ken Jeong - Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son, The Hangover Part II, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, and Zookeeper 愛爾帕西諾 Al Pacino - Jack and Jill 尼可史瓦森 Nick Swardson - Jack and Jill and Just Go with It Worst Supporting Actress 凱蒂霍姆絲 Katie Holmes - Jack and Jill 羅西杭廷頓慧特莉 Rosie Huntington-Whitely - Transformers: Dark of the Moon (註:金酸莓官方特意用The Underwear Model來形容她) 布蘭登傑克森(反串)Brandon T. Jackson (as Charmaine) - Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son 妮可基曼 Nicole Kidman - Just Go with It 大衛史佩德(反串) David Spade (as Monica) - Jack and Jill Worst Director 麥可貝 Michael Bay - Transformers: Dark of the Moon 湯姆布來迪 Tom Brady - Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star 比爾康頓 Bill Condon - The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 丹尼斯杜根 Dennis Dugan - Jack and Jill and Just Go with It 蓋瑞馬歇爾 Garry Marshall - New Year's Eve Worst Screenplay 脫星世家 Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star 龍鳳大雙胞 Jack and Jill 101次新年快樂 New Year's Eve 變形金剛3 Transformers: Dark of the Moon 暮光之城:破曉1 The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 Worst Screen Couple 尼可拉斯凱吉 Nicolas Cage & Anyone Sharing the Screen with Him in Any 去年三部片 of His Three 2011 Movies (Drive Angry, Season of the Witch and Trespass) 變形金剛3 Shia LaBeouf & The Underwear Model (Rosie Huntington-Whitely) - Transformers: Dark of the Moon 愛情大臨演 Adam Sandler & EITHER Jennifer Aniston OR Brooklyn Decker - Just Go with It 龍鳳大雙胞 Adam Sandler & EITHER Al Pacino OR Adam Sandler - Jack and Jill 暮光之城:破曉 Kristen Stewart & EITHER Taylor Lautner or Robert Pattinson - The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 Worst Prequel, Remake, Rip-off or Sequel 阿舎正傳 Arthur 脫星世家 Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star (Rip-off of Boogie Nights and A Star Is Born) 醉後大丈夫2 The Hangover Part II 龍鳳大雙胞 Jack and Jill (Remake/Rip-off of Glen or Glenda) 暮光之城:破曉 The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 Worst Screen Ensemble 脫星世家 The Entire Cast of Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star 龍鳳大雙胞 The Entire Cast of Jack and Jill 101次新年快樂 The Entire Cast of New Year’s Eve 變形金剛3 The Entire Cast of Transformers: Dark of the Moon 暮光之城:破曉 The Entire Cast of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 此榜單最受矚目的莫過於亞當山德勒了, 除了他主演的兩部片之外,他製作並擔任編劇的脫星世家 讓他今年的相關獎項就高達11個 而龍鳳大雙胞也不意外的以12項提名成為今年的"最大贏家" 金酸莓預計將在4/1正式宣佈得獎名單 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
wesleygibson:期待~~~ 02/26 11:59
a367012:龍鳳吧!超沒feel的! 02/26 12:05
sampsonlu919:龍鳳目前呼聲-相當高 我也感覺到金酸莓想刻意鞏他 02/26 12:06
sunny1991225:糟糕,看到Sucker Punch沒上榜我還挺開心的=_= 02/26 12:06
yuhung:暮光之城表示:感謝龍鳳這個程咬金 02/26 12:07
yuhung:希望下次別再出現龍鳳這種救援王,我想看木瓜破曉Part2拿下 02/26 12:08
yuhung:金酸莓大滿貫啊!(我好壞) 02/26 12:08
sunny1991225:糟糕,我也想看XDDDDDDDD 02/26 12:09
yuhung:變三女主角沒入圍也讓我很意外(先前呼聲不是很高嗎?XD) 02/26 12:11
yuhung:我懷疑是亞當山德勒或馬汀勞倫斯把名額佔走 02/26 12:12
sampsonlu919:變三有啊 但她提的是女配 02/26 12:12
y36987412:只有我覺得龍鳳好看嗎... 02/26 12:14
yuhung:啊,原來跑去女配角了 XDD (那女主角是誰?大黃蜂?XD) 02/26 12:16
sampsonlu919:也有可能是羅西先前知名度沒那麼高的關係吧 02/26 12:19
orzisme:妮可基嫚在愛情大臨演明明不錯阿 不計形象搞笑 居然還入圍 02/26 13:13
orzisme:純粹就是要找她麻煩吧= = 02/26 13:14
eggbox:101次新年快樂還蠻好看的說.... 02/26 13:36
cocacola1357:看到有妮可基嫚也嚇到了,很好笑阿 02/26 14:25
rightwheel:可能是要讓凱蒂荷姆斯與妮可基嫚廝殺XDDDD 02/26 14:29
wxtn:看到condon這種好導演也被提名 也只能好奇他幹嘛碰墓光... 02/26 15:54
wxtn:palinXDD 讓我想到當初華氏九一一被提名最爛男主角-布希XD 02/26 15:55
sunny1991225:同意,Bill Condon幹麻跑去拍暮光作踐自己Orz..... 02/26 16:17
sunny1991225:而且還是一次簽上下兩集的合約,這樣對嗎Q_Q 02/26 16:17
amusic:娜姐執導的新片W.E怎沒入榜? 真可惜ㄟ...XD~~ 02/26 16:19
yuhung:我懷疑片Condon連簽兩集,是因為片商手上有他國中戴牙套的 02/26 16:22
yuhung:醜照片,或是他當時喝得酩酊大醉,就把自己賣了 02/26 16:23
sampsonlu919:比爾康頓拍暮光很簡單啊:花不完的華盛頓綠紙($) 02/26 16:23
yuhung:不然就是想挑戰"如何把木瓜拍好看"這艱鉅任務 02/26 16:24
yuhung:搞不好過幾年,暮光系列就重開機了 02/26 16:25
yuhung:可以來個暮光之城再起、暮光之城之劈腿時刻之類的 (溜) 02/26 16:25
devin0329:尼可拉斯凱吉那個獎項的註解太好笑了啦 02/26 16:28
rightwheel:突然發現怎麼能沒有潔西卡艾芭?(in spy kids 4) 02/27 00:55
ferrarik:亞當山德勒的片再爛都要看 推他!!! 02/29 01:10