精華區beta movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Boston Society of Film Critics / 2012 winners 波士頓影評人協會獎 / 2012 年得獎名單 ─────────────────────────────────────── ‧Best Picture (最佳影片)Zero Dark Thirty (00:30 凌晨密令) 2nd (tied): Moonrise Kingdom (月昇冒險王國) Amour (愛‧慕) ‧Best Foreign-Language Film (最佳外語片)Amour (愛‧慕) 2nd: Holy Motors (花都魅影) ‧Best Animated Film (最佳動畫片)Frankenweenie (科學怪犬) 2nd: ParaNorman (派拉諾曼:靈動小子) ‧Best Documentary (最佳紀錄片)How to Survive a Plague (瘟疫求生指南) 2nd: The Queen of Versailles (凡爾賽女皇) ‧Best Director (最佳導演)Kathryn Bigelow (凱薩琳畢格羅) for Zero Dark Thirty (00:30 凌晨密令) 2nd: Paul Thomas Anderson (保羅湯瑪斯安德森) for The Master (新宗教大師) ‧Best Screenplay (最佳劇本)Lincoln (林肯) by Tony Kushner 2nd: Moonrise Kingdom (月昇冒險王國) by Wes Anderson ‧Best Actor (最佳男主角)Daniel Day-Lewis (丹尼爾戴路易斯) for Lincoln (林肯) 2nd: Denis Lavant (丹尼拉馮) for Holy Motors (花都魅影) ‧Best Actress (最佳女主角)Emmanuelle Riva (艾曼紐麗娃) for Amour (愛‧慕) 2nd: Deanie Yip (葉德嫻) for A Simple Life (桃姐) ‧Best Supporting Actor (最佳男配角)Ezra Miller (伊薩米勒) for The Perks of Being a Wallflower (壁花男孩) 2nd: Christoph Waltz (克里斯多夫沃茲) for Django Unchained (決殺令) ‧Best Supporting Actress (最佳女配角)Sally Field (莎莉菲爾德) for Lincoln (林肯) 2nd: Emma Watson (艾瑪華特森) for The Perks of Being a Wallflower (壁花男孩) ‧Best Ensemble Cast (最佳整體演出)Seven Psychopaths (瘋狗綁票令) 2nd: Moonrise Kingdom (月昇冒險王國) ‧Best Cinematography (最佳攝影)The Master (新宗教大師) by Mihai Malaimare Jr. 2nd (tied): Moonrise Kingdom (月昇冒險王國) by Robert D. Yeoman Life of Pi (少年PI的奇幻漂流) by Claudio Miranda ‧Best Film Editing (awarded in memory of Karen Schmeer) (最佳剪接)Zero Dark Thirty (00:30 凌晨密令) by William Goldenberg and Dylan Tichenor 2nd: Argo (亞果出任務) by William Goldenberg ‧Best Use of Music in a Film (最佳音樂使用)Moonrise Kingdom (月昇冒險王國) 2nd: Django Unchained (決殺令) ‧Best New Filmmaker (awarded in memory of David Brudnoy) (最佳新進導演)David France for How to Survive a Plague (瘟疫求生指南) 2nd: Benh Zeitlin (班謝特林) for Beasts of the Southern Wild (南方野獸樂園) --------------------------------------- 資料來源: http://goo.gl/bxXVh http://www.bostonfilmcritics.org/current-winners --- Zero Dark Thirty 持續橫掃中... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Eivom 來自: (12/10 05:56)
tim0922:Zero Dark Thirty這麼神.............0.0 12/10 05:51
peruman:反正到時候看美國以外的Zero Dark Thirty能賣多少 12/10 09:52
zitoneverwin:有差嗎? ZDT又不是要拿來在美國本土以外賣的? 12/10 12:22
zitoneverwin:別說海外 連美國自己也不一定捧場了 這又不是商業片 12/10 12:23
zitoneverwin:票房本來就不是第一優先考量 拿獎最重要 現在看來形 12/10 12:24
zitoneverwin:勢大好 12/10 12:24
yufangshih:Ezra這部真的演得很好,很活很跳,笑戲的時候讓人笑, 12/10 13:35
yufangshih:哭戲的時候讓人心疼,他真的超適合這個角色,妖氣沖天 12/10 13:36
sammia0201:看過愛慕~真的很強~ 12/10 14:18
sleepyrat:十一姑玩到美國去了..... 12/10 15:07
a9a99:要是真的可以入圍最佳女主角就真的太厲害了 12/10 15:37
wangsan:不敢奢望十一姑入圍奧斯卡 能入圍金球就很強了!!!! 12/10 15:57
wentasu:桃姐今年外語片有報名嗎? 12/10 16:15
sleepyrat:桃姐在美國有公開放映了吧... 12/10 16:17
wentasu:香港今年報名哪一部? 外語片要國家或地區提名才能算數 12/10 16:23
opsddb:桃姐去年就報外語片了,今年香港報奪命金 12/10 16:23
wentasu:中國報陳凱歌的搜索 台灣報逆光飛翔 恩...應該是愛慕拿獎 12/10 16:26
weiike:桃姐好猛。奪命金應該有機會入圍外語片吧? 12/11 02:07