精華區beta movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Boston Society of Film Critics Awards 2011 Winners Best Picture - The Artist(大藝術家) Best Actor - Brad Pitt for Moneyball(魔球) Best Actress - Michelle Williams for My Week with Marilyn(我與夢露的浪漫一周) Best Supporting Actor - Albert Brooks for Drive(落日車神) Best Supporting Actress - Melissa McCarthy for Bridesmaids(伴娘我最大) Best Director - Martin Scorsese for Hugo(雨果的冒險) Best Screenplay - Steven Zaillian, Aaron Sorkin and Stan Chervin for Moneyball(魔球) Best Cinematography - Emmanuel Lubezki for The Tree of Life(永生樹) Best Documentary - Project Nim Best Foreign-Language Film - Incendies(烈火焚身-加拿大) Best Animated Film - Rango(飆風雷哥) Best Film Editing (awarded in memory of Karen Schmeer) - Christian Marclay for The Clock Best New Filmmaker (awarded in memory of David Brudnoy) - Sean Durkin for Martha Marcy May Marlene(迷濛夢寐) Best Ensemble Cast - Carnage(今晚誰當家) Best Use of Music in a Film - Tie: Drive and The Artist(落日車神 大藝術家 並列) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
wxtn:很妙的是 女配和劇本第二名都是那部奇片margaret 12/12 08:43
wxtn:該片從06年拖到今年才上映 以往這種片在獎季都不看好 12/12 08:43
NCAA:Incendies台灣應該是翻成烈火焚身 12/12 09:15
NCAA:但話說回來,烈火焚身不是去年的電影嘛??? 12/12 09:15
miramar:馬丁第一座奧斯卡等了30幾年,第二座那麼快就拿到嗎? 12/12 10:46
smartnewton:Glenn Close今年到底有沒有可能拿奧斯卡阿? 12/12 12:07
sunnychu:Incendies翻成慾火焚身也太......XDDDD 12/12 12:43
感謝N大指正 我真是太丟臉了:P ※ 編輯: shengju1029 來自: (12/12 16:03) ※ 編輯: shengju1029 來自: (12/12 16:03)
book1998:烈火焚身不錯看,蠻悲的 12/12 18:38