精華區beta movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
圖文版: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/wildflower/9975085 (照片都跟RDJ有關...) 這部1991年前的片真可謂大牌雲集,包括莎莉菲爾德(Sally Field)、 小勞勃道尼(Robert Downey Jr.)、凱文克萊(Kevin Kline)、琥碧戈柏 (Whoopi Goldberg)、伊莉莎白蘇(Elisabeth Shue)、泰瑞海契(Teri Hatcher)等等,若大家想看他們二十年前的模樣,不妨瞧瞧這齣喜劇。 本片主角Celeste﹝莎莉菲爾德﹞是電視當紅女星,演出肥皂劇"The Sun Also Sets"非常受歡迎,也得過不少獎。同劇金髮女配角Montana ﹝Cathy Moriarty﹞非常忌妒,於是色誘電視製作人David﹝小勞勃道 尼﹞,開條件說只要把Celeste趕走,就願意與David上床。色迷心竅的 David找來過去演過"The Sun Also Sets"、同時也是Celeste前男友的 Jeffrey﹝凱文克萊﹞,希望能藉此把Celeste逼走。David要求編劇 Rose﹝琥碧戈柏﹞讓Jeffrey當年的角色再活過來,Rose抗議說做不到 ,因為當年那角色頭都斷了,但David不為所動。事情又因一位新演員 Lori﹝伊莉莎白蘇﹞的加入,變得更為複雜,這些演員的真實生活,成 為了名符其實的肥皂劇。 主要演員們似乎都演得蠻享受的,盡情誇張搞笑,尤其莎莉菲爾德、小 勞勃道尼、凱文克萊、Cathy Moriarty等等非常有趣。劇情部分非常誇 張,但這也是肥皂劇的基本要素之一,何況,現在有些熱門電視劇照樣 很扯﹝台灣或外國皆然﹞,死的人會活過來,壞的人會變好人,演員們 戲外還要炒新聞,一切都只為收視率,「肥皂拼盤」只是把這些情形弄 得再誇張一點兒罷了,例如片中的開腦手術討論就很白爛,搞得像是要 下廚切菜一樣;而片中演員的戲外情更是亂到極點,Celeste、Jeffrey 、Lori三人的感情糾葛與背景真是很誇張,各位看了就知道。 本片編劇之一是Andrew Bergman,他是馬修鮑德瑞克主演電影「新鮮人 」(The Freshman)的編劇與導演,另一位編劇Robert Harling則寫過「 鋼木蘭」(Steel Magnolias)。他們為本片添加不少笑料,雖然並非時 時有笑點,但整體說來還是不錯的劇本。 總之,「肥皂拼盤」是個輕鬆不用大腦的喜劇,如果你想看看一些知名 演員的早年風采,或是想看看26歲的小勞勃道尼,就看看這部電影吧! 經典對白: *** Rose Schwartz: Actors don't like to play coma. They feel it limits their range. *** Montana Moorehead: YOU - promised me you would get rid of Celeste. WE WERE BOTH NAKED AND YOU PROMISED! NAKED! David Barnes: Hey! We were never naked. Montana Moorehead: Well, we could have been! *** Celeste Talbert: [accepting an award] Ohhh, there's so many people to thank. First of all, my fabulous supporting cast, who gives a new meaning to the word "support"... [At their table] Ariel Maloney: Bitch! David Barnes: Hag! Montana Moorehead: I hate her so much! *** Betsy Faye Sharon: She came in yesterday. I don't know who the hell she is. Her name is Naven, Maven, Slaven... Claven... there's no agent. David Barnes: Find her. Betsy Faye Sharon: Well, what if she can't act? Burton White: That never stopped us before! [Barnes snaps his fingers] Betsy Faye Sharon: What? David Barnes: [snap, snap, snap, snap, snap] We make her mute! Burton White: What? David Barnes: If she doesn't speak, we don't have to pay her as much. A homeless deaf-mute: what could be more pathetic? God, I'm good. *** Rose Schwartz: The guy was killed in an auto accident! I looked it up! He was driving in the Yukon, in a pink convertible, to visit his brother who's an ex-con named Frances, when a tractor trailer comes along and decapitates him. You know what that mean, it means he doesn't have a head. How am I suppose to write for a guy who doesn't have a head? He's got no lips, no vocal cords. What do you want me to do? *** Montana Moorehead: [about Lori Craven] She has more lines than I do and she's a GOD DAMN MUTE! -- 我的部落格: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/wildflower -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
paulik:好片! 很喜歡這部電影 07/29 16:11
pomp:剛看完 劇情真的不錯 07/29 16:39
a111156987:推小蘿蔔XD 07/29 21:49
akrsw:這片頗有趣。 07/30 11:36