精華區beta movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
來源:http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2010/new/jan/4/today-show14.htm 2010-1-4 自由時報 羅蘭勝麥可貝 搞破壞第1名 記者鄒念祖/綜合報導 美國首映雜誌選出最會搞破壞的9位導演,前3名導演剛好都是台灣觀眾的最愛。 而冠軍當然就是「2012」的導演羅蘭艾莫里奇(Roland Emmerich),這位氣質溫文的 德國導演還拍了「ID4:星際終結者」、「酷斯拉」與「明天過後」,紐約與白宮 都是他最愛摧毀的目標,搞破壞的方式則包括恐龍、外星人與異常氣候變化造成的 大浪與大風雪。 亞軍麥可貝(Michael Bay)光是靠著兩集「變形金剛」,就一路從美國胡佛大壩 砸到埃及金字塔;「珍珠港」充滿了飛機轟炸,「世界末日」則毫不留情的毀了巴黎。 麥可貝屈居第2的原因在於他的破壞性沒有那麼全面,不像羅蘭艾莫里奇直接要把 全人類一起埋葬。 季軍史蒂芬史匹柏(Steven Spielberg)在好萊塢呼風喚雨,在他一聲令下, 紐約被冰山埋葬,人類滅亡(A.I.人工智慧),外星人肆虐(世界大戰),核子爆炸 (印第安納瓊斯:水晶骷髏王國),如果把他監製的電影如「變形金剛」也算進去, 他所造成的破壞搞不好還贏過羅蘭艾莫里奇。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 以下是完整排名 9 of Hollywood's Most Destructive Directors http://www.premiere.com/Feature/9-of-Hollywood-s-Most-Destructive-Directors 1. Roland Emmerich 代表作: Godzilla (New York City trampled by a giant monster), Independence Day (The White House and other important landmarks blown up by aliens), The Day After Tomorrow and 2012 (Pretty much the entire world gets the UFC treatment from nature.) 2. Michael Bay 代表作:Transformers (Giant robots smash up a few major cities and the Hoover Dam), Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (More major cities take a beating, not to mention the destruction of the pyramids), Pearl Harbor (You should probably know what happens in this one), Armageddon (Meteorites take out Paris, NYC’s Chrysler building, and other sections of the world), Bad Boys II (a dilapidated shanty town...way to stick up for the little guy, Mike!) 3. Steven Spielberg 代表作: War of the Worlds (Aliens wreck everything in sight, including the streets in Tom Cruise's New Jersey town), A. I. Artificial Intelligence (NYC gets buried under a glacier and the entire human race is eventually wiped out), Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (A nuclear blast destroys a deserted town except for one refrigerator full of anthropologist.) 4. Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer 代表作: Disaster Movie (We refused to see it, but we assume stuff gets blown up), Meet the Spartans (OK, so it really has nothing to do with destroying the earth, but it may be the only movie so crappy to damage the actual earth.) 5. Tim Burton 代表作:Mars Attacks! (Aliens destroy our landmarks, scare Jack Nicholson), Planet of the Apes (Spoiler alert! Monkeys take over the earth and refuse to keep it neat.) 6. Stephen Sommers 代表作:G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (Paris gets the shaft once again as the Eiffel Tower gets eaten by tiny robotic bugs), The Mummy franchise (Mummies and various other monsters take their toll on one of the seven wonders of the world, the pyramids.) 7. Sam Raimi 代表作:The Spider-man franchise (New York City takes a series of beatings from the webslinger's enemies.) 8. James Cameron(Most Respectful Destroyer) 代表作:The Terminator franchise (visions of nuclear bombs decimating our fair planet and mean robots stomping all over the remains), The Abyss (the director’s cut shows an enormous tidal wave on the verge of obliterating the entire country), Titanic (huge cruise ship meets iceberg). While he’s done his fair share of damage in the past, most of it is theoretical or doesn’t actually happen...but it could so take heed. -- 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 2581 L    ★ NO Cs   DN 匾哥 匾泰斯特 匾特 匾賈 匾艾倫 匾格瑞迪 匾強森 匾拉普斯 匾米爾頓 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
tentenlee:記者居然沒拿第8名出來做文章 不是正夯嗎.. 01/04 09:14
sampsonlu919:因為首映寫這篇的時候 阿凡達還沒有上映 01/04 09:22
sincity:柯導應該是燒錢第一吧!!! 燒的比麥靠杯厲害 01/04 09:36
tentenlee:我說的是寫這篇的記者 新聞日期不就今天? 資料是12月多 01/04 09:40
philpenny:第四名也太妙了一點~~惡搞片耶 01/04 09:53
ANUBISANKH:We refused to see it....XD 01/04 10:20
heart21607:2012爛得要死 01/04 10:30
ian8275:決戰星球的spoiler alert超好笑! 01/04 10:53
boboleo:我還以為是說龍婆 01/04 12:43