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Jackson Rathbone, Sung Kang & Michelle Chen Head Down ‘Pali Road’ Jackson Rathbone (Twilight), Sung Kang (Fast & Furious) and Michelle Chen have been cast in Pali Road, a mystery-thriller from Crimson Forest Entertainment that’s now filming in Honolulu. The film tells the story of a young woman who suffers a terrible car accident the night her boyfriend proposes to her. It’s the first project in a slate of three films that Crimson is co-producing with Dadi Digital Film, China Film Assist, and Cuixing Media Group. Rathbone played Jasper Hale in all the Twilight Saga films, and co-starred as Sokka in The Last Airbender. He’s repped by Paradigm, LINK Entertainment, and attorney Peter Nelson. Kang, who starred in the Fast & Furious franchise, is with Management 360, WME, and attorney Rick Genow. Chen is best known for her starring role in You Are The Apple Of My Eye, for which she received the Asia Rising Star Award. Additional cast members include Elizabeth Sung, Tzi Ma, Henry Ian Cusick and Lauren Sweetser. Sung is known for her role in Memoirs Of A Geisha, as well as the action adventure film Hero. Ma co-starred in Rush Hour, The Ladykillers, and The Quiet American. Cusick starred in the TV series Lost, and in such films as Hitman and Half Light. He is repped by Innovative Artists and Management 360. Pali Road producers include Daxing Zhang and Jon Chiew of Huace Media. Executive producers are Grace Zhang and Geng Ling of Dadi Digital Cinema, China Film Assist and Ricardo S. Galindez and Roy J. Tjioe of Island Film Group based in Honolulu. “We are delighted to work with such a talented cast on this project,” said director Jonathan Lim, who also serves as chief executive officer of Crimson Forest Entertainment. “Pali Road captures the thrust of our distribution goals, as we look to bring high-quality entertainment to audiences in China and worldwide.” 在韓哥的FB看到的新聞 大意是新電影「Pali Road」目前正在夏威夷進行拍攝 Google了一下好像沒有相關的訊息 演員有暮光之城的傑克森、玩命關頭的姜成、陳妍希 因為本人外文能力有限 還是要請高手幫忙翻譯翻譯正確內容 謝謝 新聞網址: http://goo.gl/NnbRBc -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1422436571.A.0F4.html
cmss666: 其實內容沒什麼 講了下故事大綱跟介紹演員而已 01/28 17:21
paul1231: 這部電影好像內地的電影公司有投資的樣子... 01/28 17:28
tiros: 號稱是一部驚悚片 01/28 17:45
qazxswptt: 好像有爛片的味道XD 01/28 19:30