精華區beta movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
好萊塢系列 我能想到最經典的是...... You jump I jump (Titanic) 國片系列 我大腦中第一個想到的台詞是...... "只要用心 (握拳) 人人都可以是食神" 還有誰能提供的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
icq87093661:I'm the king of the world 01/21 02:39
kmd:I'm your father. 01/21 02:40
ecjh:Show me the money!!!! 01/21 02:42
dRick:I see dead people 01/21 02:48
uofo:一切都是月經文 嚇不倒我的 01/21 02:48
dRick:I'm Bond, James Bond. 01/21 02:49
ihcc:THE END 01/21 02:59
TGD01:唱 國歌 01/21 03:03
deathunlucky:you had me at hello! 01/21 03:03
zric:女士 妳要刮鬍子嗎? 01/21 03:05
deathunlucky:greedisgood 99999 01/21 03:08
yamatai:一句話驚醒我夢中人 嚇的我屁滾尿流失了魂 01/21 03:12
Horie:我今天跟我朋友賭乞丐中的王者還是乞丐,賭贏了一台ndsl 01/21 03:15
vasknight:樓上朋友快出來 您受騙了! 明明是〔乞丐中的霸主〕 01/21 03:37
Ivangelion:My precious....... 01/21 03:42
JoJoKao:推 My Precious XD 01/21 03:53
whobirdme912:I WELL BE BACK 01/21 03:57
MyEvan:You can not pass!!!!!! 01/21 04:08
IzakiVicky:Run! Forrest Run! 01/21 04:13
KempspeeD:蒙馬眼! 01/21 04:17
GabeHypnos:Nothing stays buried forever, nothing --黑色大理花 01/21 04:18
forhealth:Oh~~ Gandalf~~ --魔戒 01/21 04:24
wcc960:Forgiveness is between them and God. 01/21 04:31
wcc960:It's my job to arrange the meeting. 01/21 04:32
shyuwu:How do you turn this on? 01/21 04:45
ad47:spider pig~spider pig~does whatever a spider does... 01/21 04:54
moutighe:gonna get 01/21 07:16
moutighe:life is like a chocolate box yuo never know what you 01/21 07:16
moutighe:gonna get 01/21 07:16
broken543:how much can you know about yourself if you've never 01/21 07:29
broken543:been in a fight? 01/21 07:29
m19871006:were we so different? 01/21 07:51
globekiller:只想到 二嫂妳下來 01/21 08:26
soultime:我只想做個好人 01/21 08:57
lovelovebear:you got a mail 01/21 09:33
dspswen:Wood please 01/21 09:33
Pet:這招明明叫做老漢推車... 01/21 09:33
exrocist:I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse. 教父 01/21 09:39
uometlc:life without love is not life at all 01/21 09:42
exrocist:Hasta la vista,baby! 魔鬼終結者 01/21 09:42
exrocist:T.I.A.This is Africa 血鑽石 01/21 09:46
wil891607:I am oger!!!! 史瑞克 01/21 09:48
GN02174082:Your girl is beautiful,Hubble. 01/21 10:26
lcp:Michael Corleone says hello! 01/21 10:26
whitelady:Hi,__________ I want to play a game. 01/21 10:33
kinnsan:yipee-ki-yay, motherfucker! 01/21 10:56
acheer:suck me, beautiful~(American pie) 01/21 10:57
Ucse:I'll be back 01/21 11:01
ozzyrhoads:推 suck me, beautiful !!!! (美國派經典中的經典) 01/21 11:17
seiyaku:有人偷渡How do you turn this on 01/21 11:19
FantasyNova:FUCK 幹 01/21 11:46
oscaroscar:印和闐 印和闐 印和闐 印和闐 印和闐 印和闐!!! 01/21 11:50
wakaw:Mr.佛羅多! 01/21 12:09
Kiri1enko:愛情來得快去得也快…只有豬肉卷才是永恆的!--加菲貓2 01/21 12:21
quicknick:Run, bitch, run! 驚聲尖笑1 01/21 12:26
klarc:http://0rz.tw/f43vM 就這些吧 其他就.... 01/21 12:43
EDGE:’黎耀輝,讓我們重新開始吧。’from 王家衛 <春光乍洩> 01/21 12:53
EDGE:’NINJA~\小黃\摳尼咻哇’from <TAXI2> 01/21 12:57
Tobeyla:再見了花花綠綠的鈔票 再見了法拉利 晚安全世界 (王牌神棍 01/21 13:20
dick929:棒!真是棒! 01/21 13:30
XD1225:糟了,是世界奇觀!! 01/21 13:44
dogddc:You are hrer! Because you are the best of best! 01/21 14:07
Defne:梅莉史翠普:「那不過是一朵花而已!」 by 蘭花賊 01/21 14:20
MrRed:世均 我們再也回不去了 半生緣 01/21 14:45
tupacshkur:King Kong ain't got shit on me. 01/21 14:58
Tiffany:怎麼可以忘記 you complete me呢? <Jerry Maguire> 01/21 15:06
mrsix:菩薩保佑我...神鬼傳奇那個癟三說的 01/21 15:08
mrsix:華仔 華仔 華仔...驚聲尖笑我忘了是哪一集 01/21 15:11
mrsix:好折凳...食神吧 01/21 15:13
Davidgood:I wish I knew how to quit you! 01/21 15:55
Davidgood:阿甘正傳的巧克力台詞 01/21 15:56
sasin:Welcome to the real world <駭客任務> 01/21 16:35
ptomoyo:You can not pass !!! 魔戒 = =+ 01/21 16:35
leemt:you see?you see?your stupid minds!stupid!stupid! 01/21 16:49
leemt:我猜沒人知道這是哪部片XD 01/21 16:51
auralion:In case I don't see ya', good afternoon, good evening 01/21 17:08
auralion:and goodnight _______ TRUMAN 01/21 17:09
dearevan:mi de sole(魔戒西文版台詞) 01/21 17:13
yuhung:Do you feel lucky, punk?(克林伊斯威特經典台詞) 01/21 17:21
minwooo:i want to play a game. saw 01/21 18:41
carl2002:that's all. 01/21 19:01
kenkie:大哥是對的 01/21 20:09
ovsx:fifty thousand dollars, cash!!! 小姐好白 01/21 20:15
anatole:第一個也是想到教父..make him an offer he can't refuse! 01/21 20:22
cdmen:Life always find the way out (侏儸紀公園) 01/21 20:41
ISNAKEI:kobe? 01/21 21:18
whiteshore:Dude!Where's my car? 01/21 21:29
ptomoyo:Yippee-Ki-yay, mother fxxker!!! 終極警探 01/21 21:59
kamila:That's all~~(穿著Prada的惡魔) 01/21 22:49
yamatai:你今天好像有點感覺 我不想跟你討論這個 01/21 23:01
cpkit:Open the fucking door!!!!!!!! saw 1 or 2? 01/21 23:20
camino:The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love, 01/21 23:30
camino:and be loved in return. - Mulin Rouge 01/21 23:32
JRM0625:May the force be with you.星際大戰= =d 01/22 01:31
xclass:You make me complete. 01/22 02:07
kurtsgm:Greater power comes greater responsibility. 01/22 03:03
kurtsgm:能力越大... 01/22 03:03
roy0204758:山西部政司的五千兩銀子... 01/22 03:26
stevendamn:shit ! fuck ! 01/22 03:55
goth:整天搞這個不煩嗎...這種話題是要講幾次.. 01/22 04:33
bsl:阿鬼,你還是說中文吧 from 功夫 01/22 05:14
ericchi66:我想做個好人 01/22 06:16
fensonk:Mr. Anderson... The Matrix 01/22 15:54
aferson:請給我木材。 01/22 16:23
qoo020:參考看看 http://tinyurl.com/2tldft 01/22 18:32
yeary2k:THIS IS 死巴達! 01/24 00:48
will0615:Ebay 變形金剛 01/29 20:59