精華區beta movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
有些電影的台詞~真的是超經典 大家印象中最深刻的台詞是什麼阿 我覺得很經典的有 『高義 你他媽雜碎』 『我是跟鄉民進來看熱鬧的』 這兩句真的是很經典 各位~~有更經典的嗎 -- 古都光照隱四方,萩原舞孃淚沾裳, 愛田由來須灌溉,蒼井空深水不揚。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Gungod88:有錢人家的小孩什麼都嘛比較會 06/02 21:31
bonbonyaho:你長的像雞雞阿? 06/02 21:33
apple23xd:這個問題也是每個月都有的經典 06/02 21:35
kalamazoo:say hello to my lil' friend. 06/02 21:36
kalamazoo:this is Sparta!! 06/02 21:36
globekiller:why so seriou~s 06/02 21:39
tedann:I will be back!! 06/02 21:41
londoneye:Are you watching closely? 06/02 21:42
revon:I'm your father !Oh ~No XD 06/02 21:43
sincity:come with me if you want to life 06/02 21:44
freemanlex:damn it 06/02 21:49
easy618:我想到一部 一直FUCK FUCK FUCK的片.. 06/02 21:54
thindust:(推得完才有鬼 來收集爆的吧) may the force be with you 06/02 21:55
ilse:You shall not pass~ 06/02 22:01
p3962260:I'm your grandmother ! Oh ~Yes!! more~more~more!! 06/02 22:02
ichliebedich:I want to play a game ~ 06/02 22:03
Xenomorph:Welcome to the real world! 06/02 22:03
ATSEVEN:How do you turn this on 06/02 22:04
ponpondapipi:Mr. Anderson 06/02 22:07
onde:期末考到了都會想到甘道夫的"You can't pass!" 06/02 22:07
tedann:John McClane:Yippee-ki-yay,motherfuck! 06/02 22:09
ckding222:The future is not set. 06/02 22:17
wagner:德州來的不是牛仔就是gay 你不是牛仔 所以你一定是gay! 06/02 22:23
monwedfri:林北講林北是林北的事. 林北講林北還輪得到你來講林北! 06/02 22:25
cpuii:當然是豬豬人With great power comes great responsibility 06/02 22:28
zack0428:I'll be back 06/02 22:30
BV1:hello~ stranger 06/02 22:33
tobashi:上面的都太遜了 當然是 長度六十公分 我指的是手 06/02 22:34
xjp:you jump I jump 06/02 22:34
tobashi:塔姐教我吃香蕉 06/02 22:34
xjp:show me the money 06/02 22:35
Schnell:邱若男 我要.....死你 06/02 22:37
yayolovehyde:they call it royale with cheese 06/02 22:43
AGIknight:幹 挖國寶勒 06/02 22:45
warden259:我還有點餓.... 06/02 22:45
globekiller:you had me at hello 06/02 22:49
mark781006:推1樓"有錢人家的小孩什麼都嘛比較會",深有同感 06/02 22:49
Nikezoomair:You can google it ~ 06/02 22:54
STANLEY730:red bull~~red bull~~red bull~~~ 06/02 22:55
ivanos:"and you... help your landlady carry out her garbage" 06/02 22:58
sincity:Mr.Anderson welcome back. We ~ miss you. 06/02 22:59
VV11:open ur eyes 06/02 23:09
vf3:Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration? 06/02 23:19
jin0:I see die people. 06/02 23:44
tf201770:Why, Mr. Anderson? Why do you do it? 06/02 23:55
chineseknot:Live Long and Prosper. - Spock from Star Trek 06/03 00:03
N5j9k6a:你知道的太多了 06/03 00:06
yuanwu:I like your gun~ 06/03 00:10
michaelch:爛梗標題騙推文騙成這樣還不噓,鄉民傻了嗎? 06/03 00:20
cuore5470:I want sixteen , major! 06/03 00:27
xender:do you feel lucky today? Punk! 06/03 00:41
yayolovehyde:are you masterbating? 06/03 00:55
colormax:show me the money 06/03 01:02
slfantasy:no man can kill me 06/03 01:15
wakamana:I'm still here, Little Chief (黑洞頻率) 06/03 01:20
nancynancyli:ring ring ... "hello~~~~?" 06/03 01:55
breath:u jump i jump 06/03 01:57
ufotime:人是人他媽生的,妖是妖他媽生的,那人跟妖生的,就是人妖 06/03 02:57
TrialShadow:樓上:應該是妖有了人的心就不再是妖 而是人~妖吧@@ 06/03 03:03
tottoko:ring ring ... "hello~~~~?" 這不是查理嗎XD 06/03 08:56
adms:有人偷渡魔獸台詞... 06/03 09:30
nhlsi:推 revon:I'm your father !Oh ~No XD 06/03 10:08
JWillSoul:誰說....沒槍頭就捅不死?... 06/03 10:40
alexzack2008:只要龍五手上有槍 誰都殺不死他... 06/03 11:46
ksksks:It's a good day to die~ 06/03 12:54
buteerr:Houston, we have a problem.....from Apollo 13 06/03 15:53
dogsheep:Why so serious? 06/03 15:54
applemia:You can google it. 最近超愛講這句 06/03 16:51
dreamtender:大哥是對的(帥) 06/03 18:40
hs5232:我說在座的各位 都是垃圾 06/03 19:59
IzakiVicky:RUN! FORREST~ RUN! 06/03 20:53
kuyt18yeah:I am Constantine. Johan Constantine, asshole. 06/03 22:19
shinygreen:我要打十個! 06/03 23:40
hunterkuo:哇供您爸系您爸A代誌 06/04 02:51
asriver:這是什麼刀 殺豬刀 專殺畜牲用的 06/04 13:38
virtualcross:MAY FORCE BE WITH YOU 06/04 17:30
SkateAdolf:大陸雞:公子也有個名字吧? 史公子:敝姓史 名公子 06/04 23:34
hide33:人和妖精都是媽生的,不同的是人是人他媽的,妖是妖他媽的 06/06 22:57