精華區beta movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
請問各位大大 電影有哪些經典台詞適合放在婚紗照裡。 跟閃光有看過歌劇魅影、紅磨訪、魔戒、天外奇蹟...... 一時想不出有哪些經典台詞, 所以請各位神人幫忙小弟想經典台詞。 謝謝各位~~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
GGGGGforever:你這樣問只會出現一堆周星馳電影的台詞而已.... 02/27 00:16
minstar:那我心中會............. 02/27 00:16
l5:重看一遍 找靈感? 02/27 00:17
ChiuYi5566:月光寶盒~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 02/27 00:18
minstar:有想過......但感覺好辛苦....而且希望是英文台詞... 02/27 00:18
CrazyLord:噹噹噹噹噹(拖走 02/27 00:18
VOICEVOICE:F~R~E~E~D~O~M~~~~~~~~ 結婚後就沒了 02/27 00:20
l5:快轉 同時顯示中英字幕 02/27 00:21
hochengyuan:欸 等等 先划個兩拳再說 02/27 00:21
djamh:紅磨紡:普天之下 最美妙的事 莫過於愛人與被愛 真心付出 02/27 00:22
nsk:娘子: Tiffany!! 相公:...... 02/27 00:23
minstar:謝謝15很好的提議 02/27 00:23
figtr:你為什麼要b我阿~~~~~? 02/27 00:23
f0936649477:我要娶十個!!! 02/27 00:23
minstar:謝謝d大...紅磨紡那句不錯... 02/27 00:24
VV11:Today, because of what I learned from you... every choice 02/27 00:26
VV11:I made was different and my life has completely changed 02/27 00:27
lordalice:only you~ 02/27 00:27
VV11:And I've learned that if you do that, you're living 02/27 00:27
VV11:your life fully. It doesn't matter if you have five 02/27 00:27
VV11:minutes or fifty years. 02/27 00:28
irres:我不想跟你討論這個問題。 02/27 00:29
loveable0101:<<七天愛上你>>裡的:死並不可怕,可怕的是死在遺憾裡~ 02/27 00:30
mars1206:娘子~快跟牛魔王出來看上帝~ 02/27 00:30
shuwei:You jump I jump (我來亂的) 02/27 00:32
VV11:My precious ~~~ gollum ~ gollum 02/27 00:33
minstar:S大.....你不是第一位說.....我有朋友說這一句.. 02/27 00:33
lowlow530:和尚:我做的一切 都是為了你!! 02/27 00:37
williams520:Will you still love in the morning? Forever & ever 02/27 00:39
live4132:意義是殺小 02/27 00:44
frentzenlee:邱若男 _____!!! 02/27 00:45
Davidgood:I wish I knew how to quite you. 02/27 00:47
NoDayDream:Why so serious~(嘖~嘖~嘖) 02/27 00:50
free4u28:We love us . 02/27 00:51
wcc960:You make me want to be a better man/woman 02/27 00:51
wcc960:Who am I? Do you really want to know? 02/27 00:55
GoNow:YOU HAD ME AT HELLO KITTY. 02/27 00:55
wcc960:You can't handle the truth!!! 02/27 00:56
VV11:how do you turn this on 02/27 00:56
Hasahina: If you want me to choose btw being loved or feared 02/27 00:58
Hasahina:I will choose to be feared 02/27 00:59
Hasahina:I think, therefore I am 02/27 01:00
ghostl40809:I'M YOUR FATHER! 02/27 01:04
Hasahina:樓上那是 Starwar -.- 02/27 01:04
ghostl40809:糗大了 沒看到是要放在婚紗照裡的... 02/27 01:05
snipeking:hey apple!! 02/27 01:06
idkwts174:Ever you. Ever mind. Ever us. sex and the city 02/27 01:18
s913072002:You complete me. 02/27 01:21
RubenGotay:我手上的生命線ˋ愛情線ˋ事業線,都是用妳的名字拼成的 02/27 01:25
machine139:------------This is our land!------------- AVATAR 02/27 01:30
MartyFriedma:搶錢、搶糧、搶娘門! 02/27 01:34
NANAer:我想推薦為你鍾情這首歌!是電影主題曲 02/27 01:37
RubenGotay:或者去從once 裡面找台詞 02/27 01:38
turtle24:佛羅多!! 02/27 01:48
panderbaby:You are my life now.(from twilight) 02/27 01:54
ppatrick:可怕 可怕 02/27 02:03
priiti:You complete me.蠻適合的阿XDD 02/27 02:24
priiti:Love me, that's all I ask of u.(歌詞 02/27 02:26
lucifiel1618:I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. 02/27 02:27
kidichu:You jump,I jump! 02/27 02:37
yoson:The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and 02/27 02:45
yoson:be loved in return. 02/27 02:45
yoson:紅磨坊那句的英文....其實跟中文翻譯頗不像的XD 02/27 02:46
Debugger:My precious~~~ 02/27 03:23
alberthan:眼睛閉起來~我會很快的 02/27 07:03
loven0201:我一看到就想到電影美味關係裡面那段超浪漫的經典對白 02/27 07:14
loven0201:You are the butter to my bread and the breath to my 02/27 07:15
loven0201:life. 02/27 07:16
treeclimber:他 我可以!! 02/27 07:29
sunbysea:you complete me; you had me at hello; 02/27 10:21
des1267:妳還差幾支 我全買了! 02/27 10:47
hens:可不可以先聊天? 02/27 11:06
substanceD:地獄新娘的結婚誓詞... 02/27 11:42
leowesley:我倆惺惺相惜 情不自禁 02/27 11:49
skyprayer:Oh~ my treasure~~ 02/27 11:57
GGBIG:大師兄回來了! 02/27 12:11
queergirl:I see you.(認真) 02/27 12:30
quicknick:我不希望阿麗跟一個垃圾在一起 02/27 13:02
ssnpiggy:婚宴致詞第一句:我說在座的各位,都是垃圾 02/27 16:00
shung106:You're the best thing I have ever met 02/27 16:31
nsk: 葳葳: 我 要 解 放 你!!! 02/27 17:06
wel1721:my precious~~~ 02/27 20:08
minichiyan:You complete me. 02/27 20:25
isl:有幾個推文是想害新人吵架的 XD 02/28 01:10
L0v35:Hasta la vista baby! 02/28 01:34
oi0016:已經到公海了嗎 02/28 02:13
seaboy:馬上想到美味關係那句+1 02/28 13:51
justadog:You complete me. 這是經典經典經典 02/28 13:57
littleconan:Remamber,who you are?you are my son!Remamber~ 03/01 00:18