精華區beta movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
不知道之前有沒有人討論過類似的主題? 每次看完一部好電影, 總是能從中學到一兩句英文佳句。 我是個熱愛把好句子抄錄背誦下來的人! 希望在這裡找到更多同好囉... "You are the butter to my bread and the breath to my life." ---Julie & Julia "We bury our sins, we wash them clean." ---Mystic River "Vanity, definitely my favorite sin." ---The Devil's Advocate "It isn't about how hard you hit, it is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." ---Rocky "Do you know that the harder thing to do and the right thing to do are usually the same thing? Nothing that has meaning is easy. "Easy" doesn't enter into grown-up life." "This shit life... we must chuck some things. We must chuck them... in this shit life. There's always looking after." ---The Weather Man 太多了 一時也無法全部想起來 PO這個會違反版規嗎@@ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: jwpygss 來自: (03/14 20:02)
NEtw:精華區好像也有類似的主題可以參考看看~~ 03/14 20:03
ppbigass:http://tinyurl.com/yhslovo 03/14 20:07
rex9999:He's beginning to believe. The Matrix 03/14 20:09
lsw1123:有點月經文的fu...畢竟電影中的台詞太多了 而每個人喜歡 03/14 20:19
lsw1123:的角度又不一樣 03/14 20:19
datomato:是沒違反版規 只是一人一篇很容易淪為洗版@@ 03/14 20:26
sazabijiang:你跳 我就跳 03/14 20:58
jwpygss:唉 也是 不過我只是想要大家推文啦 話說這裡洗版超快阿 03/14 21:05
flightmoon:I see you 03/14 21:24
nightseer:D:I'm your father. L:NOOOOOO~~~~~~~~~= 03/14 21:51
idkwts174:你可以趴文 03/14 22:13
asaman99:Show me the MONEY! 03/14 23:31