精華區beta movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
如題,看了很多電影之後,有些片看看笑過就忘記了 可是有幾個電影總會有一兩句話,或是片名是很有意義的佳句 值得令人思考,我個人挺喜歡王牌冤家的片名 "Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind" 美麗心靈的永恆陽光,讓我有時候難過或是心情不好的時候都會打起精神來 不曉得大家有沒有推薦什麼電影,是有幾句話令人莞爾的呢? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Lucianbear:我希望太平洋如夢中一般藍 by刺激1995 11/25 21:25
VogDuo:"啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!"世界大戰 Dakota 11/25 21:40
sthermit:I LOVe YOU 11/25 21:41
iori35i:GAME OVER 11/25 21:45
Ikeaboy:The you own will end up owning you 11/25 21:46
Ikeaboy: ^thing 11/25 21:46
iori35i:why so seriouse 11/25 21:47
kikielle:i wanna play a game 11/25 22:00
Hikaruko:"Hope is a dangerous thing." 同樣by刺激1995 11/25 22:08
rnc:you complete me 11/25 22:10
michael0725:God damn! 11/25 22:11
zidane666:You complete me~~~~~by Joker XDDDDDD 11/25 22:15
nanocing:羅夏很多句都很讚.... 11/25 22:19
korver26:I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse 11/25 22:23
redcoin:紅燒翅膀~我最愛吃~ 11/25 22:24
ray30825:you are the 秋森萬 11/25 22:27
nifocy:義大利? 維大力! 11/25 22:28
zidane666:你家橫頭來種樹 11/25 22:28
conscious:You know, if I was so wonderful Evan, 11/25 22:30
conscious:why didn't you call me? Why did you just leave me 11/25 22:30
conscious:here to rot? 11/25 22:30
phelyl:這也是不斷OP的老問題... 11/25 22:31
amgdaaaa:you can't hundle the truth 11/25 22:32
disc01:what are you waiting for!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11/25 22:35
wittmann4213:寬恕是他們和上帝之間的事,我只負責安排會面 11/25 22:36
yoyoyoo:人一定要靠自己! 11/25 22:38
iori35i:幸運輪大抽獎 11/25 22:40
Addidas:Winner Winner checking dinner 11/25 22:45
star1277:看到樓上的我笑了 11/25 22:47
crescentbell:Everything has a beginning, has an end. 11/25 22:48
christiano:I was like, why are you so obssessed with me? 11/25 22:48
donflower:我會給他一個他沒有辦法拒絕的提議... 11/25 22:48
christiano:she is such a fugly slut! 11/25 22:49
econjimmy:conscious的是蝴蝶效應! 可惡我想過要用這個ID... 11/25 22:49
christiano:he is too gay to function 11/25 22:49
Pietro:I AM U re FATHER!!!!! 11/25 22:53
Smoak:我幹天幹地幹命運幹社會 11/25 22:54
instar:Our war is spiritual war; our depression is our lifes. 11/25 22:55
hank85202:如果要加上一個期限 我希望是...一萬年 11/25 22:57
hjchang: you can not passssss 11/25 22:58
nosomoto:你又不是我老爸你管我那麼多~S大這兩句讓我笑超久的!哈 11/25 23:01
zyxel:美麗境界Conviction is a luxury of those on the sidelines 11/25 23:06
gtwings:Bond, James Bond 11/25 23:07
Octavius1202:Aal Izz Well!!! 11/25 23:08
Pietro:反清復明只是口號罷了,跟阿彌陀佛是一樣的 11/25 23:23
yhaui:可怕 刺綾 11/25 23:25
mattina:我願化身石橋................ 11/25 23:26
idkwts174:到最後你還是得看開 11/25 23:37
fet0124:Show me the money!! 11/25 23:37
ablacksheep:life is like a box of chocolate 11/25 23:45
phooey357:There isn't a sight...like an amputated spirit 11/25 23:45
phooey357:There are...no prosthetics for that. 11/25 23:46
butterboy:天鷹幫殺~到~奧~ 11/25 23:48
mikiji:等等...我還跟您吃過飯吶....阿阿阿阿阿 11/25 23:57
Xtaka:雞~也有愛國的嘛 (旁人旋即掩面啜泣...) 11/25 23:59
iamrobert:同花打得過Full House,除非你老爸變成了兔子... 11/26 00:04
epu0204:大家都打英文,我都看不懂 哭哭 11/26 00:06
calvin0519:歐美的話"why so serious" 華語"所有星爺的經典台詞" 11/26 00:09
sleepyrat:你還是說中文吧!!! XDDDDD 11/26 00:16
toyamaK52:I want, what they want! 11/26 00:29
toyamaK52:and every other guy who came over here 11/26 00:29
toyamaK52:spilled his guts and gave everything he had,wants! 11/26 00:30
toyamaK52:For our country to love us as much as we love it! 11/26 00:30
toyamaK52:加上驚聲尖笑4-Tempura. Sushi. Sashimi! 11/26 00:36
doiha:love me less, but love me longer-巴黎小情歌 11/26 00:54
Schweppes:In case I don't see you...... 11/26 01:04
Schweppes:Good afternoon,good evening,And good night。 11/26 01:04
MIBjiun:It's not who I am underneath, 11/26 01:10
MIBjiun:but what I do that defines me. 11/26 01:10
simply5566:you talking to me? 11/26 01:10
enroe:邱若南~我要X爆妳 11/26 01:35
foxhound1204:never go full retard 11/26 02:40
noctilux:Here's looking at you, kid. 11/26 03:08
fallinhua: 只准州官放屁,不准百姓拉屎阿 11/26 05:05
SerVantTom:挺好的 11/26 08:03
narnoi:p.s 11/26 08:30
iaminanl:You complete ME! 11/26 08:49
nn1975:安心上路 11/26 09:50
Zayre:william wallace: FREEDOMMMMMMM!!! ~Brave Heart~ 11/26 10:08
diru:Wilson~~~~~~~~~ 11/26 11:41
livestone:Am I missing an eyebow? 11/26 12:37
livestone:I reject your reality and substitute my own. 11/26 12:40
ct78645:我開玩笑的 11/26 14:51
MrsJ:This kind of certainty comes but once in a life time. 11/26 15:04
Oldwood:國民黨準備好了! 11/26 15:27
bape77:I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse 11/26 17:21
o770404:你殺了一個我,還有千千萬萬個我 by功夫(這句話超棒 11/26 18:15
cyclonekkk:You ruin my life!!! 11/26 20:00
zara:There's nothing wrong with the Blueberry Pie, just people 11/26 21:09
zara:make other choices. 11/26 21:09
RouBaoZi:爺爺想騎媽媽的話 閃閃的淚光魯冰花 11/26 21:51
sthermit:有人打錯字...是chicken 不是checking... 11/27 00:49
Zexion:"nononononononononononononononono...." 不夠經典嗎? 11/27 01:34
flydolls:摩登原始人:呀勒呀吧肚~~~~~~ 11/27 10:06
frankieguy:yo battle 11/27 10:30
jamcla:just call it 11/27 12:10
nycmw040:高義 你他X 雜碎!! 11/27 12:46
lamancha18:Live long and prosper ! 11/27 13:21
ebian:Aal Izz Well 11/27 14:30
Joypaste:fire in the hole !!! 11/27 19:11
k232921:哇系國寶捏! 11/27 20:38
Maserati:Do you feel lucky, Punk? 11/27 21:17
jamcla:WE ARE THE PEOPLE 11/27 22:31
jamcla:are you talking to me? 11/27 22:34
diamondcrazy:fuck*218次 by scarface疤面煞星 11/27 22:59
mieki:You had me at Hello - jerry maquire 11/30 06:46