精華區beta movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
想問問以往出過的marvel或DC英雄電影(漫畫也可以)裡面 超級英雄或其他配角講過的名言 比較偏向勵志或是人生哲理的句子 例如班叔說過 Those things send us down on the road, they make us who we are. 若有英文原版最好,如果只有中文也沒關係,我再自己去找原版句子 謝謝各位嘍 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1398868434.A.89D.html
wcc960:it's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that 04/30 22:42
wcc960:defines you. 04/30 22:42
KingKingCold:makes you a bixxh 04/30 22:42
leostyle:why do we fall 04/30 22:48
hbkhhhdx2006:Because I'm Batman!!! 04/30 22:50
riseball:他是被領養的 04/30 22:56
devilshadow:http://i.imgur.com/zWRV1i9.jpg 04/30 23:00
llcjhcom:請推勵志或人生哲理的句子XDD 04/30 23:00
KingKingCold:Because I'm Batman!!! 04/30 23:01
alwaysstrong:I'm ironman. 04/30 23:01
seashel:汝母豈知汝偷穿其窗簾乎 04/30 23:05
bigbee407:With great power, comes great responsibility 04/30 23:07
goodevening:imdb查詢電影,在他的Quotes項下有很多 04/30 23:15
cj86:I prefer magneto. 04/30 23:35
renlone:好弱的神 04/30 23:38
MisakiMing:推樓上 XD 04/30 23:45
Evoque:If you make yourself more than just a man ... 04/30 23:47
miabcd199:作業自己做 滾 04/30 23:58
DuckWu:I am not hero type 05/01 00:01
ricky158207:I am a god, you dull creature, and I shall not be 05/01 00:09
ricky158207:bullied by... 05/01 00:09
scream3:I guess there's a plan for all of us. I had to die.... 05/01 00:14
scream3:twice....just to figure that out. Like the book says 05/01 00:15
scream3:He works His work in mysterious ways. Some people like 05/01 00:15
scream3: it. Some people don't. ...(嚼口香糖)... 05/01 00:16
st40182:you either die a hero , or live long enough to see 05/01 00:18
st40182:youself become the villain 05/01 00:19
LVE:吼~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 05/01 00:31
NovaDjokovic:Why so serious 05/01 00:56
porscheruf:If you are good at something,never do it for free. 05/01 01:22
sleepyrat:為了世界和平,請把你的小褲褲,通通交給我吧!!! 05/01 01:31
Midori5566:The force be with you 05/01 01:51
sonichog:check this out! http://www.reellifewisdom.com/ 05/01 01:56
cupcakes:Why so serious? 05/01 02:04
RachelMcAdam:我是你爸 05/01 02:06
Hollowcorpse:Hulk Smash 05/01 03:43
icexfox:show me money 05/01 06:44
ryanbin:不要想著贏,要想著不能輸 05/01 09:54
sky99: i see dead people. 05/01 12:13
hotkick203:You,complete me!! 05/01 12:25
aakkdd:I'm not locked in here w/you.You're locked in here w/Me 05/01 13:31
pride829:看到標題立刻想到樓上那一句 05/01 13:41
toyamaK52:鋼鐵人:Cheeseburger First! 05/01 14:12
toyamaK52:美隊: I did miss my date, though. 05/01 14:14
KingKingCold:不是我跟你們關在一起,是你們跟我關在一起!! 05/01 16:21
damn689:Not nverything not yet 05/01 16:52
REDBLUEr:佛 利 沙 我 生 氣 了 05/01 18:23
dttdtt:王世堅:over my dead body !!!! 05/01 20:04
jimmyada:Because I'm Batman!!!!! 05/01 20:53
y0707186:Because I am kick-ass!!! 05/02 11:35
jigme:肉~~~ 05/02 11:52