精華區beta movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
看的電影不多, 所以只能舉些爛的例子。 就我看過的戰爭片裡, 最能吸引我的是BraveHeart裡, William Wallace 在英蘇第一場大會戰時鼓舞蘇格蘭軍心的演說。 第二則是ID4裡美國總統在發動全球串連反擊前的即席演說。 至於版友說的 For Nania, And For Aslan!, 我個人看的時候倒是沒有什麼FU。 不知版友有無值得推薦的作品可以提供? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ikew:梅爾吉勃遜的那段+1 03/10 23:24
newgunden:魔戒3 希歐頓在洛汗軍衝鋒前的演說,還有邊喊死邊衝 03/10 23:25
ShortyJan:All 4 one, one 4 all! ((Man in the iron mask 03/10 23:24
JuniorB:ID4 03/10 23:26
Hans14:300 03/10 23:26
jerryintai:去的有安家費算嗎? (逃) 03/10 23:27
※ 編輯: QuickSilver 來自: (03/10 23:28)
sixx:Leave no man behind! 03/10 23:28
sixx:搶錢 搶糧 搶娘們! 03/10 23:29
jabawork1003:王者再臨 亞拉岡、希優頓那兩段都很熱血 03/10 23:29
LALOKTER:矇馬眼... 03/10 23:39
asaman99:是爺兒們就放個響屁聽聽 03/10 23:40
globekiller:Q我名片檔就知道了 03/10 23:46
lovekwen:This is 斯巴達!!!! 03/10 23:55
zyxel:For you are in Elysium, and you're already dead! 03/10 23:59
maninfire:Tell my wife, I love her!我承認我來亂的XD 03/11 00:02
Xenomorph:Welcome to the real world! 03/11 00:04
smile76:大哥是對的 03/11 00:07
yanshiang:安 ~ 心 ~ 上 ~ 路 03/11 00:07
wctnaoj: ~ 蒙 ~ 馬 ~ 眼 ~ 03/11 00:09
GabeHypnos:推神鬼戰士 另外有一句"羅馬勝利!!"="Rome victor"??? 03/11 00:08
winston2240:Freedom!!!!!!! 03/11 00:12
JackSmith:推魔戒二中的希歐頓:FOR THE KING!! 03/11 00:13
dreamtale:Tonight we dine in the HELL!!! 03/11 00:15
AlphaA7M2:只有希優頓和伊歐墨,哪來的希歐頓 XD||| 03/11 00:20
wcc960:譯名用字之差而已吧,Theoden翻成希歐頓也無不妥 03/11 00:23
onde:翻譯問題麻~我都翻你可拉屎再擠也沒有不對勁阿 03/11 00:25
AlphaA7M2:其實我是想說在魔戒二喊to the king的絕對不會是Theoden 03/11 00:25
feelnopain:來自硫磺島的信 萬才~~ 萬才~~ 03/11 00:28
mimic41:Tonight, we dining in the hell. 03/11 00:50
chienh:當然刺激1995 03/11 01:05
xamous:The Matrix: Revolutions, Morpheus 說的那段 03/11 01:06
schemeqq:I am your father 03/11 01:27
Ilovemessi:當然是納尼亞那句經典的誓師啊.... 03/11 01:59
dogmodogmo:兵不厭詐!!! 這是戰爭!!!! 03/11 02:54
e1q3z9c7:啊啊啊~~要去了~~要去了~~ 03/11 05:34
alixia:Today, we celebrate our Independence day! 03/11 08:17
orzmaster:為了部落 03/11 09:31
akiraz2000:希優頓那段我眼泛淚光了QQ.. 現在還記得當時的感動XD 03/11 10:26
akiraz2000:三部曲要攻入末日火山的亞拉岡演說就有點虛...QQ.... 03/11 10:28
ginshop:阿~~~~~~~(死前) 03/11 10:31
JCC:推ID4 03/11 11:00
nnnww:When you're pushed, killing is as easy as breathing 03/11 13:33
nnnww:(搭搭搭搭....)壞人死光光.... 03/11 13:33
sudiks:The 13th Warrior!!! 03/11 13:47
aspired:神鬼戰士 what we do alive,it goes eternity<---?好像 03/11 13:49
a24830400:what we do in life echo in eternity 03/11 18:09
yuhung:找巴頓將軍來演講一下~~馬上士氣大升 XDDD 03/11 19:11
ghdanny:黑鷹計劃裡最後那位三角洲強者再準備回戰場時講的那段 03/11 20:43
cloud7556:Tell my wife, I love her 03/11 22:05
SCOTT0808:Free down~~~~~~ 03/12 16:12
wmz0704:Give me the nuke! 03/12 16:48
jimmy8343:May the force be with you 03/12 21:44
freezee:what if the war could be over tonight? 03/12 23:49
freezee:isn't that worth fighting for? isn't that worth dying 03/12 23:50
darkjuly:只要是泰莎艦長說的話都很振奮人心(誤) 03/13 09:49