精華區beta movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我先講我的好了... 「We can forget my Mom for a while.」 來自:婚禮終結者(Wedding Crasher) 原因:光這句本身就太好笑了!! 有誰還記得比較詳細的始末嗎? 我只記得那個歐文威爾森的朋友對他說了這句...哈哈 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
civil:操你媽的台北【海角七號】 09/28 14:17
gbear:海上鋼琴師的 「Fuck Jazz,too」 <==應該是這樣拼吧= = 09/28 14:17
shinshong:I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse. 09/28 14:18
wagner:樓上教父! 09/28 14:20
yuly:I will return. Find you, love you, marry you and live 09/28 14:21
yuly:without shame -贖罪- 09/28 14:22
keikochen:大話西遊那段 曾經....一萬年那個 不過是"一串"台詞了 09/28 14:22
foffy:曾經在一篇採訪裡看到周星馳談那段台詞,採訪人問他說那麼經 09/28 14:24
foffy:典的台詞怎麼想到的,周回答他覺得那台詞很普通,只是坐公車 09/28 14:25
HSyiee:有多高? 我們在天上了,能比天高嗎? 黑金 09/28 14:25
foffy:時想到的...看完我覺得周星馳真的很有才華 09/28 14:26
nnoommoo:高義 你他媽雜碎!!!!!!!!!! 09/28 14:26
smilexx:幹,挖國寶咧!! 09/28 14:28
kurtsgm:May the force be with you! 09/28 14:28
ruby621:you talking to me? 09/28 14:29
LittleBob:I love you. You complete me 阿湯哥講這句印象深刻 09/28 14:29
globekiller:Show me the money !!!! 09/28 14:29
highbird:hope is a good thing maybe the best in the world 09/28 14:29
JRM0625:Stella!!! 09/28 14:30
ai6xu4:那句是王家衛的詞.電影是劉鎮偉導的.跟周才華完全無關 09/28 14:31
lihao:重慶森林??看過+1 09/28 14:36
quicknick:What would I do without you 09/28 14:38
boyo:你不該有此妄想 09/28 14:40
asshole978:來人,餵兩位公子吃餅! 09/28 14:40
asshole978:Live for nothing ,or die for something其實不錯 09/28 14:41
adamchou:我還有點餓.... 09/28 14:42
raxway:i wish i could quit you 09/28 14:42
nightlight39:As far back as I can remember, I've always wanted 09/28 14:43
nightlight39:to be a gangster. 09/28 14:43
kaiandgreen:good morning! In case I don't see ya, 09/28 14:43
TRX:咦 我怎麼記得是i wish i know how to quit you? 09/28 14:43
kaiandgreen:good afternoon, good evening and goodnight. 09/28 14:43
laperla:You have bewitched me, body and soul. 09/28 14:44
cjs010629:哇 還沒收功就罵髒話 09/28 14:44
WADASHIWAKJ:I wanna play a game... 09/28 14:44
jasonchlin:I choose us. 09/28 14:45
raxway:I wish I knew how to quit you 才是對的 SORRY 09/28 14:45
chicken8:Say hello to my little friend 09/28 14:46
MartyFriedma:I am your father. NO ~~~~~~ 09/28 14:47
dylanoldman:Morpheus: Welcome to the real world 09/28 14:48
lobo1213:我的法號叫夢........遺 喂 給點面子嘛 09/28 14:49
santon:You jump. I jump. 09/28 14:49
leemt:WHY SO SERIOUS?? 日常生活也很好用~ 09/28 14:49
e1q3z9c7:不管什麼只要出現fuck就很爽 09/28 14:51
ptt1024:You made my life. I have no regrets. 09/28 14:51
ptt1024:But I am just a chapter in your life. 09/28 14:51
Rice816:Hope is a good thing , Maybe the best of thing 09/28 14:51
Rice816:And no good things ever dies. 刺激1995 09/28 14:52
lobo1213:開張六給他 讓他贏莊家一百塊 09/28 14:52
fluffywow99:Morpheus: Welcome to the desert of reality. 09/28 14:54
magpie:你剛剛的樣子 好淫蕩阿 09/28 14:54
ROSSl:Hu~~~Zeee... I am your Father... 09/28 14:55
iiisgsf:(..................................) 悲情城市 09/28 14:58
may77:麥可連大叔:you mother fucker.. 09/28 14:59
stoub:人生就像一盒巧克力 09/28 15:02
EDWARD1986:What one man can do, another can do 09/28 15:07
EDWARD1986:THE EDGE. 09/28 15:07
IvnGoran:You're Fired! 09/28 15:08
alienslesh:It's an i in happiness, no y in happiness~ 09/28 15:13
terago:Hello, stranger -Closer 09/28 15:17
winniekiki:I'm your father !! 09/28 15:17
O0000000:nightlight39的是四海好兄弟的台詞 09/28 15:17
lakershank:盡力??輸家總是抱怨他們盡力了,只有贏家才能抱得美人 09/28 15:18
lakershank:歸 ----The Rock 09/28 15:18
minni:everyone dies but not everyone lives ~braveheart 09/28 15:23
EDGE:「黎耀輝,讓我們重新開始。」  王家衛 <春光乍洩> 09/28 15:26
ikaridon:"Washday tomorrow.Nothing clean?""Nothing clean,Right 09/28 15:28
mgray19:Frodo!! 09/28 15:28
ManicD:淫踐不能移~~~~~~~ 09/28 15:29
liorio:The winner takes it all. The loser has to fall. 09/28 15:29
Cathay:我是說在座的各位 都是垃圾~~ 09/28 15:31
kreuzritter:一個人的痛苦,放到天下,便不再是痛苦   <英雄> 09/28 15:33
Dych:再不殺就要開學了 09/28 15:34
gatimercy:There's no spoon. ---The Matrix 09/28 15:35
sssleo:Wilson~~~~~~!!!! (沒拼錯吧) <浩劫重生> 09/28 15:39
xxlp:What we've got here is failure to communicate. 09/28 15:44
AniSkywalker:I'm your father !! 09/28 15:55
ivan0404c:I want to play a game... game over!! XDDDDD 09/28 16:03
Williamette:You had me at hello. 09/28 16:19
wuzen:If you good at somthing , never do it for free 09/28 16:25
kevabc1:My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius 09/28 16:33
joviwo:大哥是對的 .. 09/28 16:33
kevabc1: commander of the Armies of the North, 09/28 16:33
kevabc1:General of the Felix Legions, 09/28 16:34
kevabc1: loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. 09/28 16:34
kevabc1:Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. 09/28 16:34
kevabc1: And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the nex 09/28 16:35
badlife:It's by far the best investment I ever made 09/28 16:50
badlife:電影Van Wilder裡 老爸最後對他說的話 09/28 16:51
pott:出來混遲早是要還的(無間道) 09/28 16:55
zacsux:寫wilson那個好好笑XDD 09/28 16:56
noisefighter:Do you know how many women I had to sleep with 09/28 17:04
noisefighter:to get over you? (六人行) 09/28 17:04
LagioTan:終極戰士一阿諾對異型說:U Ugly Mother Fucker 09/28 17:09
LagioTan:終極戰士第二集黑人警察:U Ugly Mother.. 外星人:Fucker! 09/28 17:11
roaminginsky: Why so serious? 09/28 17:12
LagioTan:最近印象最深刻的:This is Spataaaaaa!!!!(噴口水) 09/28 17:13
kimuranene:比丘尼:阿彌佗佛,這位菩薩. 09/28 17:16
kimuranene:水蛙:阿彌佗佛,我不是土虱,我是水蛙. 我沒錢~ (鏘) 09/28 17:17
MWSR:I'm Bond, James Bond 09/28 17:18
kimuranene:電影 億萬未婚夫 The Bachelor 裡面有很多經典台詞 09/28 17:21
zric:you talking to me ?! --- taxi driver 09/28 17:30
ateneo:出來混遲早是要還的(無間道)+1 09/28 17:43
finalx:freedommmmmmm!!!!! 09/28 18:08
ESSEing:怎麼可以少了you complete me...不知道有沒有拼錯= = 09/28 18:26
a1997163:Yippee-ki-yay,Motherfucker~~ by 很難死(Die Hard) 09/28 18:51
fywynn:Talk to the hand - 魔鬼終結者3 09/28 19:40
osiris0422:能不能給我一把槍(台灣國語) 伍佰 順流逆流 09/28 20:17
pigwesley:我為人人 人人為我 09/28 20:21
beair:大哥是對的!! (投名狀) 09/28 21:10
hisaforever:For you, a thousand times over. 09/28 21:51
harry9522016:人無信就是畜牲 09/28 22:04
h110381:I'm back! 魔鬼終結者 09/28 22:05
paifaiT:打他媽媽 燒他全家 09/28 22:16
corin:人一定要靠自己 by 醫生 出處 鼠膽龍威 09/28 22:51
BlueWhoSay:I'll back. 09/28 23:43
BlueWhoSay:I'll be back. 09/28 23:43
iceafu:有時候違反規定還蠻爽的-間諜遊戲 這句話印象超深刻 09/29 03:27
Cienfilim:I wish I knew how to quit you. -- Brokeback Mountain 09/29 06:07
peachbow:I curse the day you were borned! --Sex and the City 09/29 07:17
wasilight19:Fuck this. by曾經。愛是唯一 09/29 09:56
Slash520:MAGIC!!!!! 09/29 12:41
jesuskobe:居然沒人推why so serious? 09/29 15:39
GILArenas:十萬塊買張小二輸死你 09/30 00:38
et3003:why so serious ..... 有這麼嚴重嗎~?? 09/30 22:20
gonghang:I can see dead people XD 10/05 22:25
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: osiris0422 (煩惱鳳) 看板: movie 標題: Re: [討論] 你最喜歡的一句電影台詞 時間: Sun Sep 28 20:16:29 2008 兩個黑人走在路上交談 黑人A: 槓 剛剛那個服務生自己也是黑人 自己還看不起黑人 黑人B: 對阿 她竟然只幫白人顧客加水 大概是知道我們不會給小費吧 迎面走過一對白人情侶 女生突然緊緊摟著男生 黑人A: 你看你看 明明就不冷的 那個白人女子看到黑人就突然冷起來 黑人B: 對阿 根本就是怕我們黑人 種族歧視!! 黑人A: 在這個白人站多勢的城市 我們黑人是少數 該怕的應該是我們才對阿 黑人B: 對阿 該害怕的應該是我們吧 黑人A: 為什麼我們不怕? {難道是因為我們有槍嗎?} 說完他們就拿出槍搶了那對情侶的休旅車 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
peterman:似乎是衝擊效應的台詞?! 09/28 20:17
statdoggy:好眼熟 09/28 20:18
Hug5566:一樓賓果 09/28 20:18
MAYMAR:對 印象深刻 09/28 20:33
lightdance:在這裡 珊卓布拉克演的真是讚... 09/28 20:36
aquine03:衝擊效應~ 好看! 09/29 01:28
ivan0404c:推衝擊效應~~ 09/30 22:00