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新聞全文網址 http://ppt.cc/5XV3 Helicopter crash in London: live A helicopter has hit a crane and two cars in Vauxhall, central London and a plume of smoke was seen billowing into the sky above the area. We bring you the latest. 約一小時前,倫敦 Vauxhall 正在興建的未來倫敦第一高樓暨歐洲最高住宅,起重機吊臂 遭直升機撞擊,在交通尖峰時間墜毀。由於距離 MI6總部不到 100公尺,引起短暫的恐怖 攻擊疑慮,不過警方排除了恐怖攻擊的可能。相關訊息節錄如下: There is no suggestion it is terrorism, police said. The crash site is located close to MI6's main building. 0939: The police are not treating the crash as a terrorist incident, though the helicopter caught on the arm of the crane less than 100 metres from the MI6 building. 二死二傷,對剛好開車經過的人來說真的是 Skyfall... 希望死者好走, 傷者早日康復 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Tendo:所以全世界都知道MI6在哪就是了@@a 01/16 18:03
IBIZA:北緯51度29'13.9" 西經0度07'26.6" 01/16 18:10
IBIZA:MI6就是英國秘密情報局啊...一大棟建築能藏到哪XD 01/16 18:11
sonnyissonny:007, reporting for duty~~~~ 01/16 18:47
lave70:Roger that~ 01/17 21:34