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導演 Jim Sheridan,劇中夭折的男孩叫 Frankie, 而片尾出現的"In memory of Frankie Sheridan" 看的人還以為導演在紀念自己死去的兒子, 其實 是他的弟弟小時候腦瘤死去,本片劇本是導演和 他姊姊寫他們的父母和他們小時候的經歷和感覺 "In America appears simple: a story about an Irish family in New York coping with the death of their young son and adjusting to their new life. Clearly autobiographical, it ends with a dedication to the memory of Frankie Sheridan. Audiences will assume that Sheridan, who co-wrote the screenplay with Kirsten and her sister, Naomi, has channelled the loss of his own son. But the Dublin-born Sheridan never had a son; Frankie was his brother who died of a brain tumour when he was 10 and Jim was 17. In America is as much the story of Sheridan's parents as it is of his own family's experiences. "I think we helped my dad," Kirsten says of her work on the script with Naomi,"but when he decided to put the Frankie story in, I knew I had to step back. I knew that was the heart and soul of the film, and that's my dad's heart and soul." ※ 引述《[email protected] (再見,列寧)》之銘言: : 這部片真的非常好看!!! : 在看的過程會一直為那家人感到心疼 不捨 : 會不停讚嘆那對姊妹花.....姊姊好漂亮...妹妹好可愛..... : 會不停讚嘆男主角女主角男配角....演技好棒..... : 然後情緒會在越到後面越被爆開 : 感覺像是悲傷的情緒一直不著痕跡的累積累積..... : 到快結束的時後爆開來 : 但是到了真正結束的時候 : 心情卻又是平靜而安詳的^^~~~~ : ※ 引述《logortonve (SSDD)》之銘言: : : 我在金馬影展有看過 : : 劇情真的很感人! : : 演媽媽的Samantha Morton這次也有入圍奧斯卡 : : 導演在很細微平凡的地方發掘出一家人情感的深度 -- ※ Origin: 臺大電機 Maxwell 站 ◆ From: OL37-206.fibertel.com.ar
jojolucia:應該是導演和他女兒 劇中爸爸指涉導演本人 推 02/21