精華區beta movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我買了一本普羅米修斯的藝術設定概念書 發現導演從一開始就打算拍續集了 證據 該書最後一頁 http://ppt.cc/X8rM 我想知道Fifield感染黑水後會不會變成異形? http://ppt.cc/jjRi 該頁文字已謄打如下 請高手幫忙翻譯一下 FIFIELD INFECTED BY the black slime emitted from the Ampules while in the Pyramid overnight with Millburn, Fifield(Sean Harris)transforms into a creature that was jokingly referred to as "Babyhead" by the crew."Fifield was considered to be the mid-point between the Hammerpede and Deacon, at the end",reveals ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ Neal Scanlan of its positioning in the genetic cycle. Creature designer Carlos Huante worked on the initial designs for the Fifield monster, which was originally more alien than human(see concept sketches above and sculpts opposite) before the mutated head and body were refined into something more recognisably Harris, albeit a twisted version of the actor."Everything we've done on the film has a real world reference," notes Scanlan,"and when you do your research, it's so sad because Fifield isn't really that much of a fantastical creature. These things happen in real life, like Elephantiasis." http://ppt.cc/YomK http://ppt.cc/awuK http://ppt.cc/7y4y 原來最後那隻異形叫"The Deacon" http://ppt.cc/-iBA http://ppt.cc/GesQ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: treerivers 來自: (06/23 09:48)
sunnychenpo:只能期望全球票房好一點福斯才會快點推動續集計畫 06/23 09:52
kao8855:最後一夜XDDD 06/23 11:21
dadabo:這票房應該部會太差吧 06/23 12:03
aking306:這本書似乎賣得挺好的 06/23 12:59
essendo:這位老先生真頑皮XD 06/23 16:58
essendo: 書還沒拿到XD 06/23 16:59
essendo:如果照樓下d大的意思,哈洛威和菲爾德都是僅沾了黑水的突變 06/23 17:03
essendo:只會狂暴,並不會變成異形是嗎 06/23 17:04
devin0329:上映兩周美國還沒破億(慘)全球目前2.3億...不太夠 06/23 18:49
macefindu:導演想拍三部曲 06/25 00:24
macefindu:Deacon=尖頭帽 06/25 00:27
godblesssam:詳見 人類起源疑雲~~! 06/25 22:27
st12231:敢問原PO如何入手這設定集? 06/26 00:06