精華區beta movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
(續上篇) From Facebook fan Omar Dyette: Was it more challenging to film on location than at Hogwarts? 在霍格華茲以外的場景拍片會更有挑戰性嗎? No, it was great. It was really good to be out. Going on location with the crew is a big adventure. And it helps everybody. It clears the mind. When you spend too long in the studio, the rhythms get a bit same-y, and it’s important sometimes to break it up, so we love being on the road. It was really healthy and good. 不會,很棒。很開心能走到外面拍。帶著整團劇組出外景是場大冒險,而且這也幫到了 每個人,讓腦袋清楚一點。當你在片場花了太長的時間,你的節奏會漸漸變得一…成…不 …變,有時能打破這樣的局面也是很重要的,所以我們很喜歡出去走走。這對我們來說是 很健康、很有好處的。 From Facebook fan Nur Dinah Syafiqah: Which was the MOST enjoyable and memorable part throughout the whole process of filming the movie? 拍攝過程中,你最喜歡也最難忘的時候? It’s mainly working with the people you work with – you have such fun. Film sets can sometimes be places of great tension and politics because movies cost so much money to make, and everyone’s desperate that they go right. It doesn’t always bring out the best in people. With Harry Potter, there’s the complete opposite of that – it brings out the best in people. Because the series is successful, the studio feels safe, we feel safe, we get on with our work, and we all come to work wanting to give the best. Whether you’re an actor, you work in wardrobe or you do the visual effects, you’re working on Harry Potter, so you put in a lot, and, consequently, there ’s a really good vibe and that means you create relationships and build relationships and you have a lot of fun as you make these movies. And so I kind of miss that energy. It’s like a big family. That’s something that will be sad to let go. 主要就是能和你的同事合作,你會相當享受。有時片場的氣氛會變的非常緊張和政治化, 因為一部電影要花很多很多錢,所以每個人都拼命堅持自己是對的。有時這不能帶出人們 的最佳狀態。但拍「哈利波特」時,這是一種完全相反的狀況:每個人都發揮到極致。因 為這系列很成功,片商安心,我們也安心,於是當我們與工作相處時,我們都能以想要做 到最好的心情為之。當你是個演員,你走進戲服間或者你在拍特效場景,你是為了「哈利 波特」這部電影,所以你能全力以赴,到最後變成是一種良好的氛圍,這表示你創造並建 立了一種關係,而且你也能喜歡這個拍攝過程。我有點想念那種活力。就像是個大家庭一 樣。這是某個你不想放掉的東西。 From Facebook fan Vito Scocozzo IV: If you could pick any prop to keep, what would it be? 如果你可以選一些道具留下來,你會選什麼? Well, I have a couple of nice props, which were gifts. I didn’t steal them. I was thinking about trying to stuff them in my briefcase and get through security, but I was worried about getting caught, and that wouldn’t be a good headline. I was given a Beedle the Bard book, which is the book that Hermione reads in Deathly Hallows, which was a gift from Dumbledore to Hermione, and I have the Deathly Hallows symbol. I also have a wand. The props department is amazing on Harry Potter. There’s a chap there called Peter Dorme, who works with Stuart Craig and Stephanie McMillan, and towards the end of shooting, they presented me with a wand, which I can use on my next film, of course. They’re the things I’m taking away… legitimately. 這個嘛,我有一些好道具,像是禮物之類的。我沒有偷。我在想怎麼把他們塞到我的行 李裡面,然後通過安檢,但我也怕這樣被抓,這可不是很好的頭版標題。有人送我一本《 吟遊詩人皮陀故事集》,這是妙麗在「死神的聖物」裡讀的書,是鄧不利多送她的,我也 有一些死神聖物的象徵。我也有一支魔杖。「哈利波特」的道具部門真是了不起。那邊有 個傢伙叫Peter Dorme,和Stuart Craig以及Stephanie McMillan一起工作的,當到了拍 攝的尾聲,他們送我魔杖當禮物,這當然在我下一部片派得上用場。這些是我帶走的,合 法的喔! From Facebook fan Jorel Andrew Flauta: Is there a possibility for a movie adaptation of The Tales of Beedle the Bard? 《吟遊詩人皮陀故事集》有可能改編成電影嗎? Oh, wow, that’s a great idea. I think that’s a really smashing idea. I think Jo would have to give her blessing to that whole notion, and I’m sure it’s been discussed or conceived as a great idea within the studio. Honestly, I’m concentrating on getting Part 2 ready and then having a break. Then I need to get away from wizard-y things for a bit because I’ve been doing it for five-and-a-half years, so I’m probably going to look for something completely different to do straight after. 哇!這真是一個好想法!我想這真的是個相當好的建議。我想Jo(指這問題的粉絲)可以 祝福這整個概念了,我也相信針對這個想法,電影公司也已經有充分的討論和設想過。說 真的,我正準備將下集製作完然後好好休息一下,然後我要暫時遠離這個魔法世界,因為 我已經在裡面待了五年半的時間了。所以我大概之後會做一些完全不同的事情吧? From Facebook fan Shane Christopher Kivell: David - how do you feel about this mega series ending, and what will you take from these movies to future films you will direct? 你怎麼看待這個大結局?你又會從中帶什麼東西到未來你要執導的電影中呢? Well, I’ll always try to take the vibe that we have, which is to remove fear from the process as much as possible. You encourage and you try and inspire people to bring the best out of them. That’s the kind of ethos of making these films – they allow them to be what they are. And visual effects experience. I’ve learned so much about visual effects. When I started these movies with The Order of the Phoenix, I had never made a visual effects picture. And now I’ve made four big ones. I’ve learned a lot and feel very comfortable about the currency of how you present visual effects and how you deliver and conceive them. So that’s what I’ll probably take with me. And some amazing memories of the people and being a part of this whole incredible thing. 這個嘛,我會嘗嘗試著帶著這種氛圍去拍片,就是那種在過程中不去怕任何東西的氣氛。 你會鼓勵、嘗試去啟發別人去發揮出最好的一面。拍這系列時就是這種精神,每個人都能 做他們自己。還有經營視覺特效的經驗。我從中學到很多特效的技巧。當我拍「鳳凰會的 密令」時,我完全沒有拍過特效片。現在我已經拍了四部,我學到很多,也漸漸對於如何 呈現和建構流暢的特效游刃有餘。所以這大概是我會帶走的,還有一些和人很棒的回憶, 以及參與這種大製作經驗也是。 (全文完) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: wil891607:轉錄至看板 HarryPotter 11/19 21:47
sampsonlu919:有優質外電必推! 11/19 22:02
loveroll:有看有推!!! 11/19 22:42
coolcate:有看有推! 11/19 23:25
coolcate:我也喜歡大衛葉慈^_^ 11/20 00:57
devin0329:翻譯好流暢!!!!!!!!!!!大推! 11/21 04:46