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http://comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=74779 還蠻震驚的新聞, 太突然了連奧斯卡都來不及追憶他。 死因未明。 近年導了 13 Going on 30, Charlotte's Web, Bride Wars, Letters to Juliet 等都還蠻有名品質及票房成績都不錯的電影。 Rest in peace. All the Oscar celebrations last night were marred slightly by the report from Cinetic's Matt Dentler on Twitter that producer/director Gary Winick passed away yesterday, just short of his 50th birthday: "Gary Winick died today. Too late to make the Oscars tribute, but way too early. He leaves behind a legacy of supporting indie film and NYC." Most moviegoers would know Winick for his studio fare, his most recent film being Letters to Juliet, starring Amanda Seyfried, but also, he directed the big screen adaptation of Charlotte's Web, the comedy Bride Wars which pit Anne Hathaway against Kate Hudson, and Jennifer Garner's popular comedy 13 Going on 30. Before going the studio route, Winick was a mainstay in the New York City indie circuit, directing low-budget films throughout the '90s and early '00s, including The Tic Code and Tadpole. More importantly, as co-founder of InDigEnt, short for Independent Digital Entertainment, Winick helped start a movement of filmmakers making films for under $100,000 using then-burgeoning digital video technology, producing 19 films including Richard Linklater's Tape, Ethan Hawke's Chelsea Walls, Rebecca Miller's Personal Velocity, Peter Hedges' Pieces of April and Steve Buscemi's Lonesome Jim. Not a lot of details are known of how Winick died, but he clearly made an impact on the world of independent filmmaking as well as finding a way to transition to mainstream filmmaking, and many in both worlds are stunned by his untimely passing. -- Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears You're a Womanizer baby. Womanizer, Womanizer, You're a Womanizer baby. Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Womanizer, Womanizhttp://rfed.pixnet.net/blog/post/21866566 omanizer, Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears You're a Womanizer baby. Womanizer, Womanizer, You're a Womanizer baby. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
tinganhsu:RIP 02/28 23:22
c5170439:!!! 02/28 23:22
welly7510:RIP 02/28 23:23
kaylen:才49…R.I.P. 好喜歡三十姑娘一朵花… 02/28 23:24
tim2502:才49@@ R.I.P 02/28 23:24
sampsonlu919:R.I.P. 隊我來說這才是今天最讓人驚訝的娛樂新聞 02/28 23:30
sunny1991225:RIP... 02/28 23:37
nosweating:R.I.P....這太突然了...茱麗葉的信才前陣子的片@@ 02/28 23:41
tubryan:R.I.P. 02/28 23:41
WhatRabbit:R.I.P..... 02/28 23:43
hypochon:R.I.P.. 02/28 23:46
Yunk:R.I.P. 02/28 23:48
shwzu:13 Going on 30 很好看,被中文片名害慘了 02/28 23:50
sixsix666:嚇到我了.....R.I.P 02/28 23:50
h3po3:R.I.P 02/28 23:57
allsilence:R.I.P 03/01 00:01
kenkie:R.I.P 03/01 00:13
DoubleFace:R.I.P 03/01 00:19
BlueJo:R.I.P 但49歲稱不上享年~ 03/01 00:33
akb14901:R.I.P.  也很喜歡13 Going on 30 03/01 00:45
Shinpachi:R.I.P 享年:三十歲以上、未滿六十歲者 03/01 00:47
SKnight:R.I.P. 03/01 00:49
qaaz:R.I.P 03/01 00:54
BBBBWWW:R.I.P. 真是個令人傷心的消息...... 03/01 01:23
panzerleader:R.I.P 03/01 01:33
willkill:R.I.P. .......... 03/01 01:43
nike923123:R.I.P....非常喜歡"給茱麗葉的信" 03/01 01:47
jun0208:R.I.P 真的是位很有才華的導演!!! 03/01 10:33
zitoneverwin:BlueJo 很好笑 常識不足還自曝其短 03/01 11:30
naipi:R.I.P. 也太突然了吧..... 03/01 12:12
geniussilly:R.I.P. 可是我也覺得享年怪怪的....得年? 03/01 14:34