精華區beta movie 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這裡有一些視效公司頻道最近自已努力釋出的幕 後分析影片可以看,個人覺得蠻精彩的 影片1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHarrJ_1i8E
影片2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2yoTMUzBLY
影片3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=De36ug7zMPk
影片4總結: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwU7io8Q7xo
  VES全球視覺特效同業工會提名了6項,真的是有實力 高比重特效電影 傑出視覺效果 Outstanding Visual Effects in a Visual Effects Driven Feature Motion Picture John Knoll (visual effects supervisor) Susan Greenhow (senior visual effects producer: Industrial Light & Magic) Christopher Raimo (stereoscopic producer / visual effects producer) Hal T. Hickel (animation supervisor) 後製虛擬環境 - "虛擬香港" Outstanding Created Environment in a Live Action Motion Picture Johan Thorngren (digital matte supervisor) Jeremy Bloch (lead artist) David Meny (CG supervisor) Polly Ing (technical director) For "Virtural Hong Kong". 實體縮影模型 Outstanding Models and Miniatures in a Motion Picture Dave Fogler (digital model and viewpoint supervisor) Alex Jaeger (visual effects art director) Aaron Wilson (digital artist) David Richard Nelson (digital artist) 動畫模擬人物或生物 - "怪獸 Leatherback" Outstanding Animated Character in a Live Action Feature Motion Picture Jakub Pistecky Frank Gravatt Cyrus Jam Chris Havreberg "Kaiju - Leatherback" 虛擬攝影運鏡 - "香港海戰" Outstanding Virtual Cinematography in a Live Action Feature Motion Picture Colin Benoit Nick Walker Adam Schnitzer Victor Schutz "Hong Kong Ocean Brawl" 特效模擬 - "流體力學 與 物理破壞" Outstanding FX and Simulation Animation in a Live Action Feature Motion Picture Ryan Hopkins Michael Balog Pat Conran Rick Hankins "Fluid Simulation & Destruction"   原來大部份的香港城與海灣都是CGI等等後製做出來的 但辦公室內部等細節還是有使用到傳統精美的模型 技法廣泛涵蓋新舊方式兼備,取各項優點融合運用 聽說華納和傳奇的分家之爭真是有波及到無辜又辛苦的幕後人才了 那.....以後會百倍奉還給他們嗎? -- ※ 編輯: BrokeBackM 來自: (01/27 22:39)
Jerrynet:就ILM阿,板上也很常討論到這家公司 01/27 23:05
m19871006:為了拍辦公室一個鏡頭竟然花費這麼大的功夫... 01/27 23:10
steward2050:超愛看VFX幕後~~推!! 01/27 23:12
opsddb:奧斯卡卻沒入圍... 01/27 23:21